Sunday, April 16, 2023


One of the old "fornicators" infesting the back room at work has sofar utterly failed to use my preferred personal pronouns which he asked about months ago. I shall have to chide him. He does not say things like "the God Emperor is now smoking a cigar exceptionally", or "the God Emperor dealt well with that sticky situation involving Little White Nipple Dude", or even "the God Emperor seems uninterested in the exciting game on television which involves big butch boys wearing shiny spandex booties chasing each other around and pounding each other into the astro-turf which is presently engaging us so very thoroughly".

It is an omission which bothers me.

It now seems quite likely, in retrospect, that he may have asked the question for rhetorical purposes. Perhaps to goad me. Because I am a screaming liberal and despise his reactionary skank-ass. The odious cretin.

As does everyone with even half a lick of sense.

Including Little White Nipple Dude.
Not all gaskets are equal!

That is to say, by rights he should. It is hard sometimes to figure out what goes on inside Little White Nipple Dude's pointy cranium, as his thought processes are often dense and convoluted. The only things about which there is certainty are that A) he's a kungfu monk brain surgeon astro-pilot employed by the navy, and B) he is obessed with the little white nozzle adapter used on cans of one particular brand of lighter fuel.

One is quite tempted to slice his head open to observe which way the little gears are turning, or even if they are turning at all, much more so the old "fornicator" in the back who asked the pronoun question, but is doubtful that the latter actually has anything there. One is.

[The old "fornicator" can also be thought of as a squatty bald pervert. I often do.]

Little White Nipple Dude has not been by in a few weeks. Given that we are the sum total of his social life, I am worried. Why has his dreariness not deigned to grace us?

Maybe he is financially or vehicularely constrained?

This would be sad.

The God Emperor is concerned for the little people.
They make it all worthwhile.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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