Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Here we are, third year of the pandemic going on fourth, long-covid is becoming an issue, and there are more variants which are more infectious. The extreme right wing are still being venomously stupid about masks, boosters, and crackpot science. As well as catching it and spreading it. Besides all their other shenanigans. Plus Mike Lindell, Kari Lake, braindead Boebert, and that weird conspiracy twant from Georgia just can't shut up.
It's their hey-day, they've never had so much attention.

Among the worst places in the union right now, the following take the cake: Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Mississippi, and Montana. But really, why play favourites?
There are so many scumbucket hellholes to choose from.

[By the way: Florida has gators, hurricanes, meth, religious freaks, and Ron De Santis.]

But from my point of view, things are looking distinctly up.
And several people look more stupid than ever.
Should I name them?

As always I'm glad this isn't the rest of the country.
There is no 'there' there.

Among the bright spots is that the tourists largely avoid my favourite eateries in Chinatown. They want the real authentic orange chicken and kung pao; my places don't have that.
What restaurants might have is chicken cooked with whole cloves of garlic. Meat and garlic first gilded separately in a bit of oil -- the chicken will have yielded some crusty bits -- then simmered with stock, rice wine, and a little soy sauce. Once the liquid is reduced to a sauce, a pinch of sugar and generous strewing of chopped chives are added, as well as a drop of dark sesame oil for fragrance. This is great with rice, and when the weather heats up that garlic is beneficial to the system.

Doesn't take long to prepare.
Good with chili paste.

In all honesty, I cannot understand why we even have visitors from the rest of the country. According to Fox News and many other right-thinking sources, we're a third world liberal hellhole with hippies, skyrocketing overdose deaths, violent homeless people and crazies everywhere, a pervasive reek of excrement and urine because there are no toilets here, collapsing infrastructure, and a business district so deserted that criminal gangs openly sell fentanyl in the shadow of the Trans America Pyramid in between carjackings, stabbings, and gun fights, while snorting lines of South American crack and commie designer drugs.

Five out of towners got shot in North Beach over the weekend.
So please, for your own safety, stay the hell away!
Oh, and the rent is too high.

Gonna have lunch and do my errands later.
Then smoke my pipe while wandering.
Might pee on the sidewalk!
Don't know yet.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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