Tuesday, November 24, 2015


There is no decent reason why I am awake it this hour. But if a mind can be a terrible thing when awake, it is almost guaranteed to be so while asleep.
It kind of runs riot, as it whirls around in the darkness, attracted by blinky things and exclaiming proudly "I found it!".
Like, for instance, data about freight companies and international methods of payment. Or insights into budgeting issues for small companies tied to a cyclical rise and fall in the accounts receivable area.

"Ooh, look! Shiny!"

So yeah. Awake. Planning to do laundry if it doesn't rain till late morning at the earliest. Then Chinatown for cheap snackies, after which bookstores, wandering around smoking a pipe, and attempting to upset random precious people in the downtown.

The freight company data seemed so clear when I was asleep, as well as the accounts receivable situation. Which looks much larger than may be reasonably expected in payment; the large customers will take their accumulated allowances for defectives, advertising, shipping and packaging errors, new store co-ops, and other built-in discounts, right around the end of January.
Consequently that big five million dollar balance outstanding with Blue-Blab Corporation will be whittled down to a cheque for two-hundred thousand with fifteen pages of deductions.

See, this is why you employ intelligent people in accounting. So that they can deflate your expectations before you spend like a madman. And bring the incurable optimists in Sales and Marketing down to earth.
They forgot about all the discounts, and didn't take any of that into account.
Never pay them bonuses based on total shipped and invoiced.
Instead, make it dependent upon paid sales.
Go on; rain on their parade.

It's six fifteen A.M. on a day off.
I should be asleep right now.
But I've had coffee.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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