Friday, November 13, 2015


Hah! I have to laugh! Actually, giggle, and it's quite a bit later than the event that set me off. My apartment mate spent most of Armistice Day with her boyfriend, the one she's been seeing on again off again for over four operatic years, and came home complaining about the utter whiteness of his dietary preferences.

She could have had someone openminded about food -- in fact, years ago she did -- but she chose him. Possibly out of thousands. Tonnes of nice deserving dudes, of many types and hues, but she ended up with someone so culinarily white he probably glows in the dark.
Little Cantonese woman picked a winner!


The poor fellow is sensitive to sodium, as well as dairy and gluten, and his poor little tum-tum is easily upset. Why, a jigger of hotsauce or soy would ruin his entire day!

I can't say as I have much sympathy for the woozums, as I regard much of contemporary society's attitudes towards good things to eat as neurotic and ridiculous.

Bunch of overindulged hysterics.
That's what.

Savage Kitten and I live together, still, even though we haven't been a couple for over half a decade. In that time, I have seriously enjoyed food, over-indulged in tasty stuff, found out everything about several new things to eat, and learned how to cook them with keen curiosity.

She started dating a food-obsessed Aspie.

Who likes protein bars.

Yeah, I know. Shouldn't have so much fun at his expense. Especially because I am NOT jealous, and do not begrudge either of them their pleasure in each other.

"We can't get that; it looks so good I would eat it all. 
And you know what that would do to me!"

Apparently food-shopping or restaurant-visiting with the dude is an experience. A very frustrating experience. Laden and rife.
No salt! No gluten! No grease! And no dairy!

Very frustrating for a Cantonese girl.

I feel her pain.

My only dietary worry is that if I eat too much liver or shellfish, it might likely fire up an episode of gout. Especially if it were fried in ghee or chicken fat. But with only a little forethought such an eventuality is avoidable, and if I were to go out eating with someone, I would not prevent them from indulging themselves in such a manner. Go ahead, have all the greasy sauteed lobster and gehakte leber you want!

I'll just have a taste. Would you care for some of my duck?
Il est canard rôti a la façon Cantonais; assez délicieux!

Buttered toast points! Buttered toast points!

Duck, lobster, and gehakte leber make for splendid eating. Together at the same time, or separately on different occasions. With or without the delicious bitter vegetables, and condiments of character.

Plus a glass of champagne or sherry.

We must dine well.


By the way: I'm quite lean. Trim, even.
It really takes no effort at all.
I don't worry about it.

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