Thursday, November 19, 2015


You'll be pleased to know that I am not the only one who rants. In this household. My apartment mate also rants. She's ranting right now. Apparently most current clothing colours make her look sickly, or even downright diseased. These hues are perverted, suited only to wasps!
I'm sitting here minding my own business, and she's loudly disparaging four out five garments she mailordered. Only ONE item is going to be kept.
It's black.

You know, I had a splendid day. Sure, lunch was Marin-type ghastly, but the weather was pleasant, and I smoked the latest iteration of my Virginia blend. It was wonderful! I've got the proportions just right.
Good lord, I am a goldarned genius!

But that pales when compared with the ire of a small Cantonese woman who quite mistakenly thinks that she is ugly. I would suggest that if she truly feels that most clothes don't go well with her particular skin hue, despite the autumn weather, she should try going naked.

Doing so would solve the problem admirably.
Naked goes with everything.

But she would take that recommendation askance. And, truth be told, it would sound rather hamsap. Which absolutely everyone who knows me agrees is something that I do not represent in the slightest degree.
Or they should, if they want to stay on my good side.
I am in no way a sex-obsessed goober.
Nor a glowing-eyed wolf.
Nope. Not me.

Black. Go with the black. It's a nice cheerful colour.

I'm looking on the bright side. Too many Cantonese women dress in weird garments with leopard spots and tiger stripes in all colours of the rainbow, and maybe leggings, little miniskirts over skin-tight blue jeans, and highly unsuitable tops. Or go overboard on Hello Kitty shmatte.

Savage Kitten is presently wearing grey slacks and a black turtleneck.
A bit severe, yes, but understatedly elegant. The sensible shoes complete the ensemble. Not a pain to the eyes.

Brown and blue are also good colours.
As well as dark green.

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