Thursday, November 05, 2015


In all honesty I do not know how to describe the woman. Dingy is about the closest word. But with an edge of irritating cow.
No, I do not know how much of a handful she had been before I got on the bus. But just as we were turning on to the freeway, and nowhere near a convenient curb, she demanded to be let off.

"Next stop is Spencer Avenue, ma'am."

"But but but, I don't want to walk down into Sausalito!
It's all down hill! I just can't! Let me off here!

Bear in mind that she had already ascertained three blocks before, while the bus was still in the parking lot, that the next stop was indeed the Spencer buspad just off the freeway. And had decided that she would stay on the bus. But that was then. Things had changed.
The busdriver explained to her that he could not stop and let her off right then and there, it was a legal liability issue and his job would be at risk.
He was a very patient man.

She was a very impatient and unhearing woman.

He had to explain it three more times.

While negotiating the turn.

"Well fine! Fine! FINE! I'll just ride to San Francisco!"

Halfway to Spencer she decided to get off at Spencer. Once at Spencer, she decided otherwise. Between Spencer and the toll-plaza (which is on the San Francisco side of the Golden Gate Bridge) she had a loud phone conversation in which it became obvious that she still thought it was Wednesday. At the toll-plaza she demanded to know what the next stop was, could she PLEASE know dammit, and because the patient busdriver took too long to explain, she stormed off the bus in a huff.
No doubt to become some other driver's problem.

Did I say 'dingy'?

What I meant was 'dingbat'.

Either the medicine was wearing off.

Or only just getting started.

A real live wire.

I like Marin, I really do. It's filled with entitled people on medication who are the centre of the universe. Some of whom, even to an amateur at pharmacological practices, need to change their prescription.
They are totally badass, though.
Marin is a slice.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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