Wednesday, May 29, 2013


As you know, this blogger is mildly peeved that his love life ended suddenly and completely a few years ago. Not entirely surprised, because despite my own high estimation of myself, I realistically admit that I am not exactly the best fish in the pond. Not what most women think of, to say the least.

I've also realized that all of the nicest female persons I know, women whom I regard as wonderful individuals with all the right characteristics, plus brains and very intriguing personalities, people who are engaging and vibrant to boot, have ONE crucial flaw.

They're hitched. Or they were, and have little intention of being so again.

You'll agree that for them, that is very fortunate.
There are single men like me out there.

I might as well describe them.


Smokes and drinks. Intelligent, has read many books and seen a huge number of movies, about which she has informed opinions. Footwear preference, as near as I can tell: Jimmy Choo. I thoroughly enjoy her and her husband's company, because they are gentle and witty, and have great consideration for other people. They'll put up with the weirdnesses of others without smacking them down (I've seen this), and they have genuine curiosity about the lives and pursuits of their friends.


Still pursuing a scientific career full-time, has exceptional perseverence, and a very keenly curious mind. Plus a husband and children. I cannot over-emphasize the sharp wit of this one.
Probably the best mother intelligent little boys could have.
An avid reader, and a women's libber of magnitude.
Often makes extremely accute observations.


A very small woman. Over eighty years old, and a widow. Insightful, thoughtful, gentle. She has travelled fairly extensively at this point, which she still does, and she still posesses an exceptionally active mind. You can tell that back in the day she was a stunner, and probably lively too.


Witty, strongminded, and social. Honest and straightforward; an outgoing person, interested in all manner of things and people, and possessed of a common-sense attitude.
Other than the fact that she's a Christian and a grandmother I can't think of anything wrong with her.
She's considerate and thoughtful to her friends.
Not a resident of the Bay Area.


Heavy accent, and a sharp mind. Knows the coffee and tea trade better than anybody employed at Starbucks, and a dab hand at running a business. Very patient with demanding people, even the idiots.
Even-tempered, culinarily aware, and happily retired.


Stocky non-English-speaking mother of dilligent high-school students. Has a wicked gleam in her eye. Understanding, politely considerate, firm hand with the kids, who are fine reflections of her and her husband. The two of them gave their children an excellent upbringing.
A very determined woman.
Medicocre cook.


Petite bespectacled grandmother. Keen head for numbers. Very capable. Nobody's pushover, with an independent and engaging mind. Her kids are all college graduates with decent careers. She still has a taste for cocktails, though. As well as pizza.
Has been known to live it up.


Married, part-time store clerk. Engaging personality, funny, and smoothly efficient. Unlike her husband and kids, she loves spicy food, and knows way more about hot-sauce and chilipeppers than is healthy. I believe she represses her fondness for fried-foods somewhat. Has a clean voice that even when she speaks loudly does not grate.
I've never heard her swear, but I have no doubt that she knows the words; she's nobody's fool.
Very nimble fingers, no cash register errors.
Exceptional memory for names.


Mother, waitress, all round good person. Not a very outgoing personality, but kind and calm. Remarkably understanding, though I suspect she can be easily wounded. Explains things clearly, even when they do not concern food; asks intelligent questions, even when the subject being discussed does not involve food. She could really have been so much more in life, but she took the ball that was given her and ran with it.

In looking over this list, it strikes me that the perfect person is alert, curious, and herself fascinating without realizing it. A woman with her own mind.
Definitely someone who investigates things, and does not shy away from the unknown.
Both stubborn and gentle.
All of the women above are quite unaware that those who associate with them derive greater pleasure from their company by far than they themselves can possibly get from talking with us.
In a way it's a form of social innocence.

They're very nice to know.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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