Thursday, May 30, 2013


When I cruised into the admin page of my blog today to see what people had been looking for that drew them to my blog, I was somewhat disappointed. Hardly surprised. Disappointed.

Three search entries stood out.

'Fat black hoes'

'Flatulent Chinese girls'

'Indians buttocks'

Each one represented the dreams and ideals of a single desperate searcher. Not to be too judgemental, but I am somewhat certain that all three of them were men.

White men.

I have never written anything about these subjects. Some web search programs are clearly not very good. And I have no idea what blogposts these three eccentric enthusiasts ended up reading.

There is a distinct possibility that their criteria were connected to medical research -- steatopygia and obesity, flatulence and diet, and the unhappy effects of too much ghee upon the subcontinental sit-upon -- but I do not hold out much hope.
I know what men, white men in particular, are like.
These were three rather bored men.
Who remained so.

I am saddened that life holds so little interest and excitement where they are that they must seek out stimulation on the internet. Possibly long after midnight, when all else has failed.
The internet is a wonderful thing, it can enrich people's lives.
Eventually they will find all the answers.
I encourage their quests.
Somewhere else.
Not here.


Personally, I use the internet solely for cute kitten pictures and recipes. And at some point I may combine the two into a wholesome feast for both the eyes and the stomach, very efficiently saving time.
Pussy sushi. Roast rump of fat young feline on a bed of herbs. Carbonade de chat-poussette. Fluffy en-croûte. Cuissot de félin braisé au cidre.
Ragoût de purr. I can beez cheezburger. Miao mix.
All very clean and wholesome.
In lovely photos.

Furry food porn.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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