Friday, October 28, 2011


Sometimes (yesterday) a man will eat things that overtax the digestion, rich greasy things.
If done late at night, interesting dreams result. It's educational.
I know what you're thinking.
You automatically concluded pizza, at bar closing time.
You jumped wrong.

It was fried noodles, and I was cold sober.

Mixed mein and fun noodles, pan-fried with spices. Chilipepper, paprika, ground coriander, cumin, curry paste, and ginger. With chicken and egg.
And a meat which I choose not to identify.
Dash of soy, jigger of hot sauce.

I am a good but sometimes too enthusiastic cook.
Consequently I dream educational.

Now please imagine that you are in my dream.

You are wearing pale blue cotton panties. Don't ask me how I know.
They're under that pleated dark blue skirt you have on. Your blouse is also cotton, so no bra straps are showing. It's not tucked in, and you are comfortable so.
You sit at the dining room table, studying for that difficult course you're taking this semester. No, not anything accounting related - those classes are easy. Especially because of all the serious Philippinas who take them, and cannot bend their heads around the subject.
Their frantic questions rehash every problematic point.

It is quiet in the apartment, the late afternoon sunlight comes in from the south-facing windows, and dustmotes dance in the shafts.
You've already had an extra cup of coffee, yet you feel your eyes shifting shut. You snap awake again, and deliberately reread the entire paragraph. While doing so, you abstractedly fluff your hair with your hand - it's one of those endearing little tics you don't even know you have.
You wiggle a bit in the chair. There is no danger you'll slump forward far if you doze again, as you are a little too short. Sitting at this table absolutely requires that you sit up straight.
That's why you like studying here.

It is far too quiet. There's almost no noise from outside either. You wonder what you can do to focus attention.
What was that you read somewhere? Nicotine helps people study?
It probably does, but you don't like cigarettes. You rather wonder what you would look like with a pipe in your mouth.......
Heh. Those Philippinas are already slightly scared of you. They are disturbed by your cleverness. Now, they suspect you of eccentricities; if they ever catch you smoking a pipe they'll think that you're depraved.
Seriously! You just might do it!

But for now, you lack the equipment and the materials.
No pipes (perhaps acquire a bent one with smooth curves, and a straight one with a craggy finish), no tobacco (was it red Virginia flake?), no matches, no tamper.
Maybe you also need a bulbous porcelain tobacco jar.
With an old-fashioned underglaze pattern.
This will take time to find.
A future project.

Instead perhaps a snack. Some fried noodles. There's still some curry paste, and eggs in the refrigerator. Plus spices.
And a meat you dare not name.

And after that, maybe a short nap.


Think of me.

I'll be smoking.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

"And a meat which I choose not to identify."

It was bunny. I know it.

Damned carnivores and their rabbit - eating ways.

The back of the hill said...

Rest assured. Not bunny.

But equally lovable in its own highly processed way, perhaps.
Though not nearly as suited for curry. Which is a flaw.
Compared to bunnies.
And others.

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