Thursday, December 11, 2008


The question was posed on Dovbear's blog "what to do if you suspect that the kosher meat on your table has been butchered and packed by 16-year-old Guatemalan girls forced to work 20-hour days under threat of deportation."
Es iz a sehr tiefe un' shverre shailah, b'emmes.

[See this post:
And while you are at it, you might also want to read this:
in which Curious Jew notes down what was said at the panel discussion about ethics and kashrus that Steg mentioned here: ]

Clearly, what needs to be done is that those girls be obliged to wear very long skirts, baggy and unrevealing clothing that covers them up to the neck and down to the wrist, with complete and modest hair coverings, so that they do not tempt a saintly Mashgiach with their vixenish ways.

If ALL women wore properly modest attire (longs skirts, long sleeves, high collars, and sheitlach), there would soon be peace in the world, the Arabs would start to disappear, and moshiach would come.

It is davka BECAUSE of the horrible modern standards of tzenua, and the unwarranted (possibly even goyish) criticism of frimme companies that do mitzvos like kosher schechting (while charitably providing employment for the unworthies from 'outside', nota bene!), that the world is the mess that it is.

And twenty hour a day employment certainly prevents those damsels from getting into any trouble. We don't even know what they are like - without 20hr a day supervision, who knows? Harlotry, witchcraft, Buddhism, murder, drugs, and unwanted Goytemalan babies! The world is bad enough as it is, please don't make it any worse!

I am, of course, assuming that the mashgechim are NOT working 20 hour days. Their job requires them to be alert and capable of training their eagle eyes on everything in the work place. For a twenty hour shift, at least three mashgechim are required, preferably twice that number to be on the safe side, and to act as a check on any possible licentious behaviour that the girls might engage in.

My respect goes out to the mashgechim at that meat-packer, as I find it hard to even calmly ponder undocumented underage girls working twenty hours a day, but they actually are exposed to them.
If my hands are sweaty at this point just thinking about it, they must be absolutely quivering!
They have my deepest sympathy.


Anonymous said...

Nu, eat your shiksa.

Anonymous said...

Eat your gnu.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like some is ... "gustatorily frustrated".

Yes, that's it, "gustatorily".

Anonymous said...

Go ahead - lift your metafork.

And a a bon appetitty to you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like somebody(s) need(s) to see "Sleeper" agsin. Or even once.

The back of the hill said...

Well, at least they aren't rubbing them all over with melted butter.

Or warm ghee.


From what I understand, you would have to use margerine. You can't mix dairy and meat. They wouldn't be kosher if you did that. Pervert.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Little brunette temptresses! Oooh!

---Grotty Persnickett

Anonymous said...

GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!! GHEE! And panties!!!!!!

---Giman Pantiwhumpus

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