Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The Sales Department is hosting a mid-day fiesta. There are tortilla chips and gaucamole, plus buckets of salsa, in the big conference room.

There are seven large frat-boys wearing sombreros wandering about.

There are full-strength margaritas.
Brain-freeze time. With limes and a blender.

And there is loud music. Very loud mariachi music.

The working day is over. At least for half of the company. Ole, rabbosai, ole.


Anonymous said...

Frat boys, sombreros, tequila?

Sounds like Tijuana whore house to me.
What field are you in?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Where is Spiros this morning? Is he still sleeping off the ouzo?

Hellooooo, Greeky man, hellooooooo!!!???

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Argentinian.

'Ellooooo, Argentinky, hellooooooo!!!???

---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

Remember that scene in THE EXORCIST? Had I been drinking tequila and eating guacamole, that scene would have been vividly recreated for you in Glorious Technicolor (and, dare I say, Smell-a-Round).

Anonymous said...

Guess you'd fill up that coffin pretty well. Tequila expands barf exponentially.

Sheer buckets of fun.


---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

No more anyone can add to this comment string. The bucket is full. Too much tequila. Not enough Brazilian.

---Gratn Patel

Anonymous said...

Turtle soup.

---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

Dear Gratin Patel-
I have nothing to add.

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