Wednesday, July 02, 2008


The Dutch never disappoint me. I had predicted yesterday that they would make stupid anti-Semitic comments underneath a newspaper article about Vishnitzer Chossids fighting over shtreimlech in Bnei Brak..... And indeed they did.

Relevant post here:
Article (in Dutch) here:

These are a people who proudly assert that they, unlike the other Europeans, welcomed Jews, protected them during the war (since proven a lie, but never mind), and support Israel. They boast of equitability, liberal values, and common sense.

What, one wonders, would their comments be under an article about fur-fighting Chossidim in Bnei Brak?

Herewith a sampling of the deep thoughts of your average cheese:

"Wat een achterlijk cultuur. En dit zijn nu de idoten die de vrede buiten de deur houden in Palestina. Ik zeg.....oppakken en een flinke muur omheen bouwen."Translation:
...What a backwards culture. And these are the idiots who obstruct peace in Palestine. I say take them prisoner and build a big wall around them.
[commenter 5, blaming Jews for the lack of peace, and advocating more or less a final solution.]

"30 marter- of vossenhuiden voor 1 hoed. Jeeeezus..., welk geloof praat dit soort materialistische dingen goed?"
Translation:...Thirty sable or fox furs for one hat. Jayzus, what (kind of) creed approves of such materialistic things.
[commenter 6 - because their religion is wrong.]

"Daarin verschillen ze dus niets van straatbendes in Chicago. Net zo ongeciviliceerd als 'wilden' in de diepe bush van Afrika. De 'heren' zouden zich de ogen uit hun hoofd moeten schamen."Translation:
...In that they aren't any different than street gangs in Chicago. Just as uncivilized as savages in the deep bush of Africa.
[commenter 8 - who may know of just one city in the US, and that only from the comics, and who seems to despise Jews, America, and Africa.]

"Al het leed in de wereld en dan gepeupel om een dood beest op je hoofd. Dit is de bakermat van de beschaving zeggen ze dan. Het zal wel."
...All the suffering in the world, and they're fighting over a dead animal on your head. And they assert that this is the womb of civilization. Yeah, right.
[Commenter 11 - who has a chip on her shoulder and a judgemental streak that is typically Dutch.]

"Feit is dat veel van deze mensen, qua gedachtengoed zo ver gaan, dat een Duitse leider 70jr terug zich zou afvragen of het allemaal eff wat minder kan;Arabieren zijn lager dan straathonden en Palestina kennen ze niet"Translation:
...Fact is that as regards their thinking, many of these people go to such extremes, that a German leader seventy years ago wondered if it wasn't a bit much; Arabs are lower than street dogs and they deny Palestine.
[Commenter 14 - a simplifier, a bigot, and an ignoramous. A typical Dutchman.]

"Heb je enig idee wat de positie van de vrouw bij deze orthodoxse joden is? Tja, deze lieden zijn altijd uitermate vriendelijk en schieten zelfs hun eigen premier neer als die vrede dreigt te sluiten.... "Translation:
...Do you have any idea what the position is of women by these orthodox Jews? Yep, they're truly nice and even shoot down their own prime-minister when he threatens to make peace...
[Commenter 15 - who confuses several separate issues, and clearly despises Jews.]

"Als er een club is die het vredesproces systematisch blokkeert dan zijn het wel deze orthodoxse joden, die steevast ieder compromis afwijzen."
...If there's one bunch that systematically blocks the peace process, it's these orthodox Jews, who persistently refuse all compromise.
[Commenter 16 - A writer unencumbered by any factual knowledge, who blames the (Orthodox) Jews for the lack of peace.]

You get the picture. There was more of the same under the article about the bulldozer attack.
[Dodelijke aanslag met bulldozer ]


"Kunnen jullie een keer alle jodenstreken op een rij zetten waarbij er onschuldige kinderen omgekomen zijn door israelisch geweld? [cut] Wanneer ben je als israelier nou onschuldig als je op gestolen land gaat wonen? "
...Could you for once list all the jew-knavery in which innocent children died by Israeli violence? Are you (even) innocent if as an Israeli you live on stolen land?
[Groen Rechts - middenstip]

"Valt nog steeds volledig in het niet bij de misdaad begaan tegen de inwoners van Beit Hanoun"
...Still doesn't even compare with the crime committed against the residents of Beit Hanoun
[Jan - Spijkenisse]

"Herinner jij je de liquidatie van het 8 jarige Palestijnse jongetje Mohammed Douri die door Joodse kindermoordenaars met kogels doorzeefd werd? "Translation:
...Do you remember the liquidation of the little eight-year old boy Mohammed Douri, who was sieved through with bullets by Jewish child-murderers?
[Sandokan007 - Rotterdam]

And of course someone (HenkRdam - Rotterdam) mentioned Rachel Corrie, though what that had to do with anything is beyond me.

Truly, the Dutch are exemplars. Over a quarter of a million of them are (or will be) visiting the US for summer vacation this year. Oh boy, I can't wait. Welcome to civilization, boys.


Tzipporah said...

Is there anyone (such as, perhaps, you) refuting their idiocy, or at least asking what it has to do with the article/issues in question?

The back of the hill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The back of the hill said...

And I should mention that the general sense among fairly literate people is that internet debates quickly devolve to "borrelnoot iekuu niveau" - cocktail nut i.q. level.

What they tend to overlook is that a low common denominator also rules non-electronic public discourse. What does it benefit us if we win in the salon, and lose in the street?

The back of the hill said...

And a further clarification: The five people I mentioned are regular commenters underneath articles that relate to Israel, Jewish issues, Palestinians, America. There are an extraordinary number of such articles, as the Algemeen Dagblad knows that putting America and Jews in a bad light benefits circulation.

Did you know that Katrina was our just reward for what we did to the Indians? Neither id I. I was also unaware that our treatment of native Americans, and our addiction to hamburgers, made the forest-fires currently raging in northern California retributive.

I am just a simple American, I do not grasp such deep concepts.

The five people mentioned are often accused of being CIA stooges or child-murderers. But without them and their companions, there might be no-one fighting the good fight.

Anonymous said...

Bradley Burston in Haaretz:
"What is it that Palestinians really want? I no longer believe that it's as simple as wanting statehood. This is what I don't yet want to admit: that for all these years, what a critical mass of Palestinians want most, perhaps even more than statehood, may be nothing more than seeing Jews dead and gone."


Anonymous said...

No wonder they say such gut-wrenching stupid things - such a gutteral language. Choke, choke, yark, hack, spit.

Anonymous said...

Rebbe Yakov Koppul was a student of the BeShT. His son was the Kosover, r. Menachem Mendel Hager, author of Ahavas Shalom), whose son Chaim Hager wrote the Toras Chaim. Chaim's son Yakov Shimshon Hager was rebbe for a while, followed by his brother Yosef Alter Hager. Up to this point they were Kosover - now the dynasty moves to Vishnitz.

First Vishnitzer: Rebbe Menachem Mendel, who wrote the Tzemach Tzaddik. His son Boruch Hager wrote the Imrei Boruch. The son of the Imrei Boruch, Yisroel Hager, wrote Ahavas Yisroel - not, not a self-referential tome. His son Rebbe Boruch Hager (author of Mekor Boruch), was the father of Eliezer Hager of Haifa (Ramat Vishnitz). Rebbe Boruch and his brother Chaim Meir escaped the nazis (yemach shemo) and came to Israel.

Rabbi Boruch Hager founded Ramat Vishnitz in Haifa (Seret-Vishnitz). Rabbi Chaim Meir founded Kiryas Vishnitz in Bnei Brak.

The present head of Vishnitz in BB is Rabbi Yehoshua Hager. It is followers of his sons who are fighting over the succession in expectation of his demise. The older son (Isroel) was taken out of line for succession, the younger son (Menachem Mendel) favoured several years ago. Recently that decision was reversed. It is rumored that the change was due to wives getting involved.


The back of the hill said...

Lev, thank you for that listing. As you probably realize, such material fascinates me.

The back of the hill said...

Comment edit (ref deleted comment above):

Is there anyone (such as, perhaps, you) refuting their idiocy, or at least asking what it has to do with the article/issues in question?

Why yes, yes there is. 'The few, the glorious few, the band of brothers' ......

Aleh Wehagshem in Yerushalayim, Harry (Blokker), Steve in Illinois, Jan in Amsterdam, Koosjer in Papendrecht, and AJ (Raalte).
The fourth listed lives in Mokum Alef (Amsterdam), and is in the old Judeo-Dutch heartland, Koosjer signs him or herself with a name that says it all. This does not serve them well - the anti-Semites jump upon any suggestion of Jewishness as being evidence of a Zionist-conspiracy or bias and one-sidedness.

They are very much outnumbered. By Muslims, anti-Semites, the far left, Maoists, Stalinists, instinctive America-haters, the pissy resentful provincials, the xenophobes, the isolationists, and, muchly, by the immensely ignorant and blinkered.

I no longer join the fray, because the Algemeen Dagblad tends to not place my comments.

I like the Netherlands - during the first week that I'm there, when I'm there. By the third week I'm fed up with the place and the people, and ready to return to civilization. They push my buttons.

The back of the hill said...

the anti-Semites jump upon any suggestion of Jewishness as being evidence of a Zionist-conspiracy or bias and one-sidedness.

And as you know, not all of the supporters of Israel are Jewish. Nor are most of them religious on either side of the J-C aisle..... in our own "Bay Area Cell of the International Zionist Conspiracy" we've got Jews (both religious and totally secular), Christians (both churchgoers and atheists), Atheists (both convinced atheists and merely de facto), Italians, Irish, Dutch, German..... a veritable united nations. But unlike the UUN, we're fairly honest and have no human rights abusers in our ranks.

I think that broad-based spectrum of Israel supporters is fairly standard. Pro-Israel (and, for that matter, pro-American) attitudes and ideas cut across all sections, irrespective of creed or ideology. It's a question of decency. I believe that most Israel-haters (and America-haters) are either profoundly indecent, or profoundly blinkered and ignorant.

An ability to grasp nuance does not allow for monodimensionalism.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. Totally frigging disgusting. They are nothing more than second-rate Germans, bloody krauts.

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