Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Back in the mid-nineties I worked at an Indian restaurant as a cashier / bookkeeper / belligerent guardian of the cash box. I was at that time the only nearly-waspy person there.

Customarily, at the end of the evening, the tips would be counted and pooled. Having already been burned on that thankless task, the owner gladly left it to the headwaiter. Who knew what each person had done that evening, and whom he could most rely on to get work done in the future and therefore needed to keep happy.

That the headwaiter was the one chosen to divide the tips was deeply and bitterly resented by the Frightful Tamil She-wolf who also worked at the restaurant. She was in an enduring state of fury that everyone trusted him, and thus obviously was not giving her the respect that she deserved. Not him!
[Many of us found her impossible to work with - I shall not veer into lashon hara, but merely describe her as lordy my heavens what a bitch.]


One evening the only people left in the restaurant were Mr. Singh (headwaiter), J-sahib (owner), Frightful Tamil She-wolf, and myself. The busboys had been paid off, the kitchen staff were gone, Gopu-ji had come out of the basement and taken his leave.

I was the cashier, so my share of the tip was purely symbolic. J-sahib, as owner, got no tips. The headwaiter and the Frightful Tamil She-wolf hated each other's guts with a passion.


Did I ever mention that there is nothing quite so dangerous as a bored Indian?
Perhaps I should explain that first. A busy Indian is a happy Indian, or leastways a distracted Indian, and will proceed about the business at hand with keen interest and a cheerful attitude. A bored Indian, on the other hand, is deeply disturbed unless something entertaining can be found. Anything.
If need be, the bored Indian will create a disturbance.
Or pick a fight.

Or start a sectarian riot.

It had not been a busy evening. Mr. Singh and the Frightful Tamil She-Wolf had had little to keep them occupied. The final part of the tip would be divided between Mr. Singh and the Frightful Tamil She-wolf.


Mr. Singh proved his maturity and diplomatic nature by dividing the amount equitably, an equal dollar count for both of them. The coins were converted to paper, and that too was divided. All together about a hundred dollars each.

That left twenty five cents. 25¢

Mr. Singh at that point threw maturity, diplomatic nature, and all caution to the wind by taking that twenty five cents for himself - he was the headwaiter, and he had rank. 25¢


At this the fight was on. The Frightful Tamil She-wolf would not yield a twenty-five cent advantage, and Mr. Singh proved himself a Punjabi to the max by. NOT. GIVING. AN. INCH!
For the next two hours they yelled at each other across the table, and at me everytime I opened my mouth. And of course I shouted back - I had long ago learned that the only way one held one's own in an Indian "discussion" was brazenly and at the top of one's lungs. 25¢
J-sahib just sat there with a stunned look on his face as World War Three raged around him. 25¢


At an opportune moment J-sahib optimistically ventured that there was a famous parable the point of which would surely put it all in perspective and resolve the dispute.

"There was a gentleman who wished to be called 'swami'", he began (okay, he's the boss, let's listen to him). "He wished to be called 'swami', but no one in his village wanted to do so. So he went to his guru, and asked what on earth to do" (good lord, what is the dear man going on about?).
"His guru told him that he would ask the little boys of the village to call the man swami, but he must jump up and down and scream and throw stones when they did so. The man begged for clarification, the guru said never mind just do it" (J-sahib was getting animated, the three of us so far had not seen the relevance and listened expectantly).
"The next day, some boys of the village called the man 'swami', and he threw a very splendid fit. Every day this happened, which drew the attention of others, and soon everybody in the village would call the man 'swami', because of his lovely fits. It was all very beautiful, you see. After several months, the man went back to his guru. 'Guru-ji', he said, 'they now verily do indeed call me swami - but alas it does not make me happy, as I have to scream and shout and express all manner of bad languages. What to do, what to do?' 'Stop your fitting and throwing stones', said the guru. And he did. But the village kept calling him 'swami' for ever after, and so he became happy".

J-sahib leaned back with a satisfied look on his face, certain that we understood - that story clarified everything.
We were stunned - what the divvil did any of it have to do with anything - and promptly resumed screaming, which lasted another hour and a half more. 25¢
That twenty five cents represented principle and decency and everything fine and good and sweet in the world, and we weren't going to give it up. 25¢

J-sahib just sat there, baffled and slightly hurt that we had not seen the transcendent wisdom of the little story and were incapable of grasping some eternal verity or other.

I cannot even remember who, in the end, got the quarter, despite the three and a half hours of 'effort'. I think I did... perhaps as a thank you for being the "fair witness".
Purely symbolic. Worth every penny.


Anonymous said...

Yes but where's the wombats?

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

Jesus F. Christ, these Indians seem more stupid than the Jews!

BTW - I followed your advice of smoking a pipe several times. After the 7th or 8th time it gets a REALLY metallic taste, and I'm thinkin' to meself - here here come the copperwire... and when I have enough, I'll be able to squeeze it back into a penny. And save a hell lot on my 'baccy.

I think the Saseini is the best out of the 3 Latakias I know. If the McClelland Super Balkan is better, it's not by much. Now I have my eyes set on the Peterson Irish Whisky and the honeydew. And I'm no big fan of the Sherlock Holmes. I've a feeling that tin's gonaa last a loooong loooong time in the drawer...

Anonymous said...

Quidado los Lamas!

Spiros said...

Why Jesus?

Anonymous said...

Jesus? That was the Frightful Tamil She-wolf's thing. She was a rotten rice-Christian. But a very convinced one. Hated all of us because we were heathens, though she suspected that J-sahib was actually a believer - how else would he have been virtuous enough to become a succesfull businessman?

And of course the kitchen staf were all barbarians in her eyes. She let them know that. In consequence of which they cheerfully did not hear her when she wished to eat (Sikhs, by and large, do not listen once you make a fool of yourself).

The back of the hill said...

That last comment was me, by the way. Not all my buttons had been pushed.

Anything. If need be, the bored Indian will create a disturbance.

Explains why J-sahib kept the Frightful Tamil She-wolf on staff all those years. It was the entertainment value. Having her in the restaurant was infinitely better than starting a sectarian riot.

Unknown said...

J. " " Izrael,

What was the 2nd name of JC? F...? Just curious.
The other day I told an old lady (92) that a good friend of mine has cancer. She took my hands and started to pray for him.....in the name of JC. I was shocked, but too polite (?!) to pull my hands back. I'll be glad to tell her the 2nd name. Ferdinand?

Now I understand why an Indian once asked me what my G'd looks like. Funny (??) people.

Anonymous said...


Jagjit? Jagdeesh? Jaggi? Jagtar? Jay? Joy? Jassa? Joginder? Javinder?

Excessively formal way of refering to the khanadar - though I doubt respect. You're not mentioning her name for fear of liability. On the other hand, you have no issue mention Frightful Tamil She-wolf's name several time - clearly Ms. She-wolf is not computerized.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

And by the way, we are not stingy penny pinchers. Not by a long shot.

We're just cheap as blazes.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Why do I picture J-sahib as a somewhat portly and confused sardar? Perhaps because he is?

His wife, probably a springy young thing with breast like green mangoes and a bottom like the forehead of love's elephant?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

let us leave the wombats, let us curry favour with this little chap, as yet unknown as an ingredient in a tandoori


Anonymous said...

OK blame Bill Gates


Anonymous said...

I am sorry, but I am not having a Guru at the present time. It is bloody sad.

Anonymous said...

eff this for a game of soldiers

tag this on


I copy the link - but HBs comments cannot cope


Spiros said...

If you really are this ingenuous, and as you are on record as objecting to maladicta on this blog, then there is no force on earth that would allow me to inform you that the initial "F." in the phrase "Jesus F. Christ" stands for "Fucking". You did not hear it from me.
Now, as to the initial "H." in the phrase "Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ", there, I will have to admit, I am completely baffled.

The back of the hill said...

Mot to worry, Graham, I copied the link and pasted it into my browser - and behold (or, Biblically, VA HINE), there is a tree shrew. Who is to be envied.

Cocktails for breakfast lunch and dinner. With a neat-o video of same. And he's cocktail nibble size, too!

Mmmmm, 'toddy soaked tree shrew' - a delicacy that prepares itself!

The back of the hill said...

Please, when using words appertaining to pr*cre*ti*n, or the ph*sic*l act of l*v* mak*ng, or even anyth*ng hav*ng to do w*th the s*xual p*rts, m*le or f*male s*xual*ty, the pr*vy parts of the two g*nders, or even g*necology, use an asterisk.

Mmmmm, ast*r*sks, so s*xy looking, so laden connotatively, so *xcit*ng, so .... ooooooh!

Gleck. Double gleck.

Spiros said...

B*lls! Sorry. I am not too clear on just how ingenuous Lemuel is, so I felt I had to spell it out.

The back of the hill said...

Oooh, another asterisk! AND an *xcl*mat*on m*rk!

I'm m*lting, I'm melt*ng!

The back of the hill said...


Anonymous said...

Ah, go spoon a goose.

Spiros said...

Will someone be so good as to give Lev's cage a quick rattle? We haven't heard from the dear chap in a while.

Unknown said...


Stupid me, I should have known what the F. factor means. Shame on me.
No, I am not that ingenuous, Spiros. But when I don't understand something I'll keep asking.
I won't tell the old lady what the 2nd name is:-)

See you.

e-kvetcher said...

Using the name of Jesus Christ as an oath has been common for many centuries, but the precise origins of the letter H in the expression Jesus H. Christ are obscure. While many explanations have been proposed, some serious and many humorous, the most widely accepted derivation is from the divine monogram of Christian symbolism. The symbol, derived from the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus (Ιησούς), is transliterated IHS, IHC, JHS or JHC. Since the transliteration IHS gave rise to the backronym Iesus Hominum Salvator (Latin for "Jesus savior of men"), it is plausible that JHC similarly led to Jesus H. Christ. (wikipedia)

Spiros said...

Fascinating. Somehow I doubt John Belushi was aware of all that when he used the phrase in THE BLUES BROTHERS (Oh me of litle faith).

Anonymous said...

The Blues Brothers was the only Bollywood style production the American movie industry has ever assayed. Not nearly enough comely wenches. No breast like ripe mangoes. But an excellent production, even withouth the helpless love interest and the vicious old crone.

Key elements in any succesful movie: Ripe mangoes. Old crones. Sleazy Mumbaiwallahs wearing wide lapel tight shiny shirts. And a cast of thousands who come out to sing and dance in a rain storm in the middle of the night. Plus 'inspector-saheb', and a motorcar.

And at least one Parsi, for comedic effect.

Plots? Plots?!!? We don't need no steenking plots!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...


Backronym? Backronym?!!?

E-kvetcher bhai, that is bally brilliant!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Ah, go spoon a goose.


It has been said, "sab Delhi-men hans-ki choot hai". Probably the only phrase in which 'choot' could be translated as 'chamach' instead. Vo delhwi-log, kulo pagal - all stark-raven bonkers, what. Yes indeed.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with Carrie Fisher's rack. Nor Twiggy's.

Anonymous said...

Cage? Rattle? I am not a baby!

In actuality, I am ...... I am the Wombat, I am the Levman, goo goo gachook!

Guess whom

Anonymous said...

And that you should have a good shabbot.

A Levantine of proportion

The back of the hill said...

I am the Wombat, I am the Levman, goo goo gachook!

Guess whom

Wait, wait, I know that voice. You are Doctor Zoidberg.

Anonymous said...

A wascal, and a wobster.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Cheap damm basterds, all about the money. Jism that friggin' watery that they can't screw but sheep.

Only redeeming figture is vindaloo.

Anonymous said...

Eat me, dickeyweed!

Anonymous said...

Is 'eat me, Dickey Weed, the follow-up to 'tie me, Kangaroo Down'?

And what, pray, is a 'fig-ture'? What with redemption, one would have to guess that it is an instrument of payment, or a financial document.

Vindaloo is neither. It is the British National Dish. Trumps Chicken Tikka Masala, which is very London, and very coochy middle class.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Vindaloo, the beloved breakfast of Yorkshire.

Vindaloo Kippers, the Scots breakfast.

Vindaloo Spam, a working man's lunch.

And Vindaloo pomme frites, the English contribution to Belgian Cuisine.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

One might even suggest vindaloo herring, but one wouldn't want to get the resident Dutchmen angry. One wouldn't.

So vindaloo wombat it is.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Wombat vindaloo - the Australian answer to thanksgiving. Either that or the Australian sexual fetish.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Wombats and amphibians are actually very much alike.

---Grant Patel

Sagoo said...

Too many bally wombats.

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