Monday, March 10, 2008


In a discussion of the Yeshiva massacre on Dovbear's blog, France and the rest of Europe were mentioned. In connection with safety, or lack thereof, for people who may be living while Jewish.
I added my two shekels worth. Which I reproduce, along some remarks that my comment helped generate, below.

"france is not the entirety of continental europe!

It's perhaps the worst example.
Rabban Gamliel

Gentlemen, Being an avid reader of foreign publications and web-based forums, and having lived in Europe (The Netherlands) and having revisited Europe several times since returning to the US in 1978, I have a certain, shall we say, relevant expertise.

A majority of Europeans are not anti-Semitic.
A minority are.
And some are rabidly anti-Semitic nutcases.

There only two places where I would consider walking around with a kippah on my head: Le Marais (Paris) and the Diamant-Buurt (Antwerp).
In many of the cities, even those without Muslims, a kippah is an invitation to some people that makes a sign saying 'kick me' attached to one's back look like child's play.

Again, it isn't the majority of Europeans that one need worry about. But it takes only one subhuman to ruin one's day. And even in public, the apathy and blame-the-Jews mentality of many passersby will probably keep other people from interfering.
In liberal, tolerant, alledgedly Jew-friendly Amsterdam, wearing a kippah has proven dangerous. Foolhardy, even.
[The Back of the Hill]
- - - - -

"In liberal, tolerant, alledgedly Jew-friendly Amsterdam, wearing a kippah has proven dangerous. Foolhardy, even.
The Back of the Hill"

Sad that hatred of the Jew fits in with liberal democratic life. A constition and laws are only as good as the people behind it. The U.S. is one great place.
[Rabban Gamliel]
- - - - -

Sad that hatred of the Jew fits in with liberal democratic life. A constition and laws are only as good as the people behind it. The U.S. is one great place.

Odd. I'm a liberal democrat and not only my best friends, but my ONLY friends are Jews.
- - - - -

"Sad that hatred of the Jew fits in with liberal democratic life. A constition and laws are only as good as the people behind it. The U.S. is one great place.

Odd. I'm a liberal democrat and not only my best friends, but my ONLY friends are Jews.

Wow even in America no Goyim like DovBear!
[Rabban Gamliel]

Rabban Gamliel:
The Back of the Hill - That is I!

Rabbosai, you will notice something peculiar in the exchange above. No, it isn't any of the statements themselves or the logical flow of thought - it was a minor detail which was overlooked. No doubt both Lipman and Spiros will spot it instantly. I would ask them to not mention it, so as not to spoil the search for any of my other readers.


Anonymous said...

Are you counting Britain as part of Europe (sociologically; I'm not going to get into EU politics!)? I've been wearing my kippah in public for years, in London and in Oxford. I won't say I've never suffered as a result, but it isn't an everyday occurrence by any means. We have our (un)fair share of antisemites (Muslim and otherwise), but I don't feel under siege.

Of course, my family think I'm dangerously naive and trusting (not just regarding this) and as a result of my general absent-mindedness, more than once have I vaguely heard something shouted and not known (a) what it was or (b) whether it was aimed at me. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

The back of the hill said...

That's a very good question. Sociologically it would probably have to be part of Europe, but behavioural patterns do seem different there. Part of, but separate from. No offense intended.

In England I usually get into snubby disputes over what utter barbarians we Americans are, whereas on the continent they are better at hiding that idea, and more polished at simply taking my hairy savagery for granted.
[Except of course for the Netherlands, where being able to speak Dutch absolves me from any safety from insult - an American Dutch speaker is often considered a traitor when not agreeing with the native.]

But that aside, I'm not at all sure I would want to wear a kippah in public in England. Unless I were in a clearly safe environment.

London and Oxford, perhaps. Overwhelmingly Jewish neighborhoods, no problem. But advertising one's status as the outsider of society is not good even at the best of times (unless one is a Sikh, in which case the person chosing to sneer or insult the outsider might very well have made a very wrong move). Blending out is not the safest move.

But that does go to the very heart of being Jewish: the separation from the nations. Even in clothing (partially excepting formal occassions, of course).

Plain Suede Kippahs said...

Kippah is one of the things that connects all Jewish people and kippah use when performing a mitzvah, or commandment and its a tradition.

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