Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Communication from a company director:
"The calendar is supposed to be a general reference tool, not any kind of milestone list or process map or fix. If things are too vague or unclear in any way let me know."


The calendar is NOT a general reference tool, but is indeed a milestone list and process map.

As it says "This month shall be yours" ('hachodesh haze-lachem...' - Shmos 12:2) and it says "The Lord's seasons -- that you shall proclaim sacred" ('moadei Hashem asher-tikru otam mikraei kodesh Elehem moadai...' - Vayikra 23:2) and it says "And you shall keep this ordinance at its season from year to year" ('ve shamarta et-hachuka hazot l'moada miyamim yamima...' - Shmos 13:10).

Punkt. No disagreement possible.

Dissenters will be furiously excoriated.


PS: The excoriation mentioned above should be performed by marketing interns. They are most suitable for flaying. That it may serve as an object lesson to them, as they are most in need of precisely such.

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