Thursday, March 20, 2008


Number One: Thanks to Treppenwitz, I have used the word clyster for the first time in two decades. That man has so much to answer for.

Number Two: I have received a plaintive e-mail, which states: "Hello! I am bored today. I am nice girl that would like to chat with you. Email me at only, because I am using my friend's email to write this. I want to show you some pictures."

[The friend whose computer she borrowed is Arturo Bullard at ]

I am so sorry I missed the chance to chat with ms. Sydney - she sounds sweet, and I would have loved to have told her all about a fortune in a bank in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (the Switzerland of West-Africa).


e-kvetcher said...

Based on her email address, Sydney is "A Clockwork Orange" fan?

treppenwitz said...

I have to admit that when you mentioned the word in your comment I didn't have a clue what it meant... and couldn't even count on context for help.

I'm just glad someone else stepped up and admitted to not knowing what it was. :-)

e-kvetcher said...

and now you know how to say 'enema' in Russian.

Anonymous said...

-----Original Message-----
From: kristie []
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:45 PM
To: Darren Johnston
Subject: hello from kristie


My name is kristie. I found your email on that dating site.
I also love sex on the side. I have a loving partner but he is working 16 hours a day and we have sex only once a week :( If you are interested and wanna see my pictures just email me at Don`t reply, use the email above (my boyfriend doesn`t know about that email!)

Anonymous said...

-----Original Message-----
From: maritza []
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 4:44 AM
To: hudson
Subject: is it you? maritza here

i am here sitting in the internet caffe. Found your email and decided to write. I am 25 y.o.girl.
I have a picture if you want. No need to reply here as this is not may email. Write me at

Anonymous said...


-----Original Message-----
From: grace []
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 7:25 PM
Subject: is it you? grace here

hello, I am pretty russian girl, bored tonight.
would you like to chat with me and see my pics?
if so then email me at


Anonymous said...


-----Original Message-----
From: grace []
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 7:25 PM
Subject: is it you? grace here

hello, I am pretty russian girl, bored tonight.
would you like to chat with me and see my pics?
if so then email me at


The back of the hill said...

Wow. All these hot young ladies from Golova. How lucky can a blogger get?

Especially as I am an elderly fat lesbian blogger with horrid acne, blotchy skin, and tree-trunk-like legs of different lengths. Three of them (the third being my evil Siames twin skippy, whose face sticks out of my lower back just above my left kidney).

Come to Mama, babies, I've got some spice for you!

Oh yes.

Anonymous said...

Hey there big pimpled lesbian freak!
One more for your list.

-----Original Message-----
From: jennifer []
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 2:29 AM
Subject: it`s jennifer

It`s jennifer again. Will you ever contact me?
I made those nude pictures especially for you and I wont write to you again!
If you wanna see them just drop me a line at:

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