Monday, March 03, 2008


Warning: This is an unpleasant post. It is meant to be unpleasant. I am petty, and I wish to irritate the spit out of someone.

A reader sent me a an e-mail flaming me for supporting Geert Wilders' right to produce and broadcast a fifteen minute film which is critical of Islam.

It was a very angry e-mail, and needless to say I nearly bust a gut laughing. So it is mostly for the benefit of Aboudjahid somewhere in Germany that I write this next post, to thank him for reading me. And to encourage him to keep reading, while also gratuitously teasing him with an insulting tone.

[For those of you just tuning in to this channel, the previous two posts here were in favour of freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of the press. Expressed in a way which suggested approval of Geert Wilders and his message.]

To clarify:

I do indeed approve of Geert Wilders and his message. Absolutely. He is often referred to as an extremist far-right politician in English-language reportage, but that demonstrates both a failure to grasp his role in Dutch society (provocateur and XXXX-disturber), and the tendency on the part of the English-language press to swallow the socialist party line as well as the aggrieved whining of our Muslim fellow citizens.

Yes, he has pissed off the socialists and Islamics - what of it? There's a place for that.

When Geert Wilders asserts that certain "Muslim" values are not compatible with civilization, he is right. Honour killings, child-marriage, female circumcision, stoning of homosexuals, jihad, anti-Semitism, and mob-violence - all of these are reprehensible and barbaric.
It is often claimed that some of these are not, strictly speaking, Quran-advocated, or shariah-approved, practices..... Or, in some way, not reflective of real Muslim values. An immaterial argument. More effort is spent telling Westerners this than telling fellow-Muslims, and those disgusting practices merrily continue, unabated, unceasing, unopposed. We can know a Muslim society be these symptoms.

When Geert Wilders fulminates against the Quran, he is right. There are passages within that book which are brutal and extremely nasty. It may very well be worse than Mein Kampf as a hate-filled document that encourages violence and barbarism. That, certainly, is how a large number of Muslims understand it, as can be seen by their actions, their causes, and their utterances.
There are also some sheerly gorgeous poetic passages in it - these may not be enough to redeem the book, but they do prove that the prophet Muhammad was an inspired poet, greatly gifted, despite being illiterate, a brigand, and a nasty piece of work.

[I refuse to speculate on the likelihood that Muhammad had syphilis. Even though I suspect that Arabia must have already been awash with venereal disease in that time, probably affecting well over half the population, my ability to read classical Arabic is too limited to see evidence of syphilitic brain-rot in the Quran, entirely aside from which, that text is far too second-hand to be a reliable indicator of Muhammad's mental state or physical ailments. But if you, dear reader, wish to take it for granted that he had dementia caused by tertiary syphilis, please do so. There is naught to disprove that assumption either.]

It is a sad fact that most of the people who hold the Quran holy are not capable of critical reading or nuanced thinking, and incline towards violence to resolve their intellectual disputes. They certainly are not an example for the rest of us.

When Geert Wilders says that Muslim immigrants should adapt to their host-countries and strive to be upstanding citizens, he is right. He may be overlooking the fact that many of them already have. The ones who haven't, however, stick out like sore-thumbs. They are the ones whose names fill the crime reports of the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. They are a cause of shame to their co-religionists, and an embarrassment to their communities. And it must to be mentioned that the officers who arrest them may be from those same communities. It would benefit all parties if they were encouraged to repatriate to their countries of origin - our societies would benefit, their communities in our societies would benefit. And they themselves would benefit, by returning to environments more primitive and more violent, where they would feel more at home.

The letter-writer (Aboudjahid) who objected to my support for Geert Wilders exemplifies all that is wrong with the Muslim world most admirably. He writes that I deserve to die for disrespecting Islam (an odious and gnostic fetish-cult), that a good Muslim should kill me for denigrating the prophet (bah, that syphilitic pig thief!), that I am wrong for speaking ill of good Islamic countries (every one of which is a despotism and a failed society), that I have insulted Arabs (who are richly deserving of it - they have achieved little since independence but bloodshed, terrorism, syphilis, and suit-jackets of an unfashionable cut).

Given that the author of the e-mail writes in horrible Dutch, from an address that appears to be in Germany, and does not grasp that I am not walking around somewhere in the Netherlands with a large sign on my person advertising who I am, I am not taking his little hate-screed seriously. He is a moron. An idiot. A defective human, possible a pig or a dog. And he is a Muslim.

But I do commend him on being able to figure out my e-mail address from my profile - NorthbeachXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzXzdotcom. That was brilliant. It must have taken him hours. Or maybe he had help from his family members - collectively, they surely have enough brain cells. It is probably a very large family.


Tzipporah said...

The rest we can forgive, but "suit jackets of an unfashionable cut" is really an unconscionable insult. :)

e-kvetcher said...

let's blame the hindus for nehru jackets and the chinese communists for mao jackets :)

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