Wednesday, December 25, 2024


'Tis the season to realize that there are limits to my being social. Yesterday evening someone who didn't listen very well objected to my having been praescribed clopidogrel back in 2019 (which I've been de-praescribed since the middle of 2020). How upsetting! Those awful side effects! Surely there is another way! I should protest to my doctor, outraged, and it would be much much better if I (presumably retroactively) refuse!

The alternative to modern medicine is, sometimes, (retroactively) dying of an entirely avoidable situation next to a busy highway and not being discovered for a few days.

Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet medication that prevents arterial and coronary stents from gunking up in the first several months. Two side effects of note are that cuts and scrapes don't clot up very well, and one is more susceptible to bruising. Which was a regular feature which I found to be both quite fascinating and educational. During the middle of that year one of my acquiantances insisted that clopidogrel was bad for me and I should just take apple cider vinegar and ginger root. And avoid gluten.

Which, of course, was total bollocks.

I've learned to disregard and sneer vehemently at health advice from unqualified and unvetted people with a bug up their ass.
Let me now state three key concepts:

1.: Listening to the advice of fully qualified medical personell who are familiar with the pertinent details is why I am still alive.

2.: Recommendations by chiropractors, crystal healers, and people into "natural" medicine is why several other people aren't.

3.: Very many people are unbearably stupid. Not all of the time. But often enough.

To a certain extent, Christmas is about putting up with people.

Which I don't do very well.

Alternative Christmas story: Three magical dinosaurs approached a giant egg, bearing apple cider vinegar, ginger root, and gluten-free substances. They cracked it and cooked a large omelette, which they enjoyed very much, consuming it with the three ingredients listed above. There was no chilipaste, as sambal had not been invented yet. And that's why dinosaurs are extinct now, and we have a habitable world.

Also, if your holiday dinner does not include gluten, you are doing it wrong.

NOTE: Previous reaction to Xmas here: IT'S ALWAYS WINTER THERE

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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