Saturday, December 14, 2024


He asked when Christmas would be this year. So I told him same as every year. Turns out that he meant what day of the week. Being a typical product of the American educational system using math to figure out the day so far ahead counfused him.
And here I thought he was just a typical idiot.
Instead of number-challenged.

Shortly after that, Neil came in and smoked a cigar while I ate my lunch. Neil is not that way. Probably because math has always been a useful tool for him, along with logic and common sense. Neil is also American. As am I.

Where we differ is hot sauce appreciation and fondness for coyotes.
I asked about the coyote that's been eyeing his cat.
Sadly, the animal is no longer around.
It had leered at a child.

Typical pampered Marinite kiddie-winkies are so easily traumatized.
In my day, son, there were coyotes everywhere.

Going to school each day meant tromping through miles and miles of snowdrifts filled with coyotes on an empty stomach to the unheated little red brick schoolhouse. We scared them off by reciting the multiplication tables real loud. If you couldn't do that, you were shipped off to 'Nam to fight the Russians without any food that day. Lord help you if you had laryngitis.
Bah, kids these days! Buncha wussies! Soft!

In retrospect, I may have had too much caffeine. While at work I stay hydrated with multiple cups of tea, and as it was quite busy I was doing double strength. So I might have been berserk, though hiding it well. High as a kite by that time.

One of my coworkers only has one regular strenght cup during the day, with two or three barely coloured cupfuls afterwards, and far greater intervals in between than me.

Pees a heck of a lot more too.

The trick is to spend the afternoon buzzing, and flitting about like a hummingbird.
It takes at least full strength to achieve that.

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