Monday, December 30, 2024


Mmm, yeah. I probably had too much sugar last night. A friend had given me a large box of chocolates from him and the wife yesterday. The previous day another friend gave me some German holiday confections. And the apartment mate had a giant box of Danish sweets for me when I came home. As a cynical man, I must conclude that everyone likes me better when I'm hepped to the fluttering gills and bouncing off the walls.

Wall-off-bouncing, at my age, is restrained and calm.
Don't want to break anything.


You know, I probably should have limited my late night snacking to a bit of lamb. Nice and juicy, fatty, savoury. Better for the kidneys, and less likely to cause odd moody dreaming.

The wild feline, significantly larger than a domestic pussy, but neither large enough, or clearly visible enough to identify the type, sneaks and slithers through the tall grass and shrubbery, with its eyes laser focused on the little baah lamb chop (bone-in) happily frolicking on the plate, not a care in the world, and cohabiting sinfully with the creamed spinach.
Way too much sugar.

Predatory blobs at the edge of my field of vision.

Unlike many people I know, I do not go for long walks in nature. No hikes, or exciting trails leading to hidden waterfalls or rainbow-specked glades where hobbits might comfortably live, away from the hurly burly of the urban environment. There might not be anywhere to get a comforting warm beverage there, if there are breezes I would worry about the ashes and embers from my pipe, and there is bound to be an inviting patch of poison ivy.

Plus rattle snakes, very angry small creatures, and scorpions.

Neither the Ardennes nor the Alps are rife with any of those things. And within twenty minutes walk you will encounter an auberge with a shielded terrace and tables with ashtrays.
No rattle snakes, drugged-out bikers, hippies, or hobbits.

Today I think I'll go on a trek in Chinatown, and hunt down the dumplings that I was denied last week because of all the tourists thronging my first, second and third choice eateries.
I have never been stung on a sensitive part by a feral dumpling.
Nor left itching or scratching from a rash.

No hobbits.

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