Monday, December 23, 2024


Today was marked with little victories. Laundry, walkies, pedal improvements, and ma po tofu. That last was at a place where I have been before. It was strangely empty, possibly because many possible customers were foaming at their mouths down at the mall in both Christmas shopping frenzies and mating dances. Which I imagine them doing.

The last Christmas of plenty before Generalissimo Musk and his yapping pet poodle Donnie wreck the economy and prices double. Neither Christmas nor the ascension of the senile delinquents will affect me much. I do not frenzy at shopping, and I fairly certain that I can keep my head above water. This ain't poor bleeding Mississippi.

Besides, I'm fully vaccinated in several different ways.
Nano chips will charm my very existence.

And I have a pipe, therefore your arguments are invalid.
When I returned to my own neighborhood after lunch it was fading greyly in every direction, besides the early darkness of the second shortest day of the year. It is good to have enough time to glide into Christmas, rather than panicking like a New York socialite about the last few hours of prep time before the social event of the season.

When I was still at the company downtown, I remember once hearing the chap from the ops department during the period between Christmas and New Year muttering Homer Simpson-like "mmmm, chocolate covered bacon!" He was in the kitchen which I passed on the way to the bathroom. On my way back I heard him remark "maybe that wasn't such a good idea".
I suspect he ate the entire package of rancid pork wax covered with crappy candy.

The sales reps and consulting agencies always arranged gift baskets over the holidays. Some American cheese is truly frightful. As are the almond cookies and raisin breads.
Plus crap in tubs, and bacon confectionary, which might not be such a good idea.

The quiet of the office between Christmas and New Year was always enjoyable.
That, more than peculiar cheesy substances, is something I miss.
Long lunches by myself in Chinatown.
A pipe in late afternoon.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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