Monday, January 08, 2024


It's the End Times! Obviously! There is NO other logical explanation! It marks our downward spiral as a nation, and proof positive that the Democrats are leading us straight to perdition.

"New Jersey had seven TGI Fridays closures, followed by Massachusetts with six closures and New York with five closures. Other states with closures included Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia."
[Source: SFG - Popular Chain Closing Underperforming Locations]

This, as much as anything, demonstrates how socialist politicians are destroying our economy and stiffing the working stiff. Their policies are ruining once prosperous communities all across the land.

One (!) closure in California.
Where the hell is Fresno?
Obviously Newsom and Breed's policies are disastrous for California. You get what you voted for. Wokism. Socialist policies are turning San Francisco and the entire state into a steaming dungheap with fentanyl addicts defecating everywhere surrounded by boarded-up downtown businesses and people fleeing the state for Texas and Alabama. Oh, it's horrible! There are empty business districts, wind-blown garbage, with reefers, rioting hippies, as well as free sex-changes for jailed criminals and illegals everywhere!

Where the hell is Fresno?

Soon gas will be unaffordable, Ted Cruz will flee to Cancun, and our Chinese commie taksmasters will force everyone to fly rainbow flags and drink Bud Light!

'THEY' are draining our vital juices!
Personal pronouns! Oh woe!
Potato skins!

We are doomed! Doomed!

Call out the National Guard. Unleash the internet MAGA warriors on social media.
Those darn liberals are ruining everything for gob-fearing Americans.

Where the hell is Fresno?

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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