Saturday, January 13, 2024


Among the things we received this holiday was a Dresdner Früchten Küche, which is a frukt cux from Dresden, for all of you English monolinguals. Of which I had a thickish slice very recently. Afterwards I told my aparment mate: If I start farting in the middle of the night, remember me fondly. Her response: "How will that be any different from normal?"

It's actually very good. Very fruity. I may look up the recipe, and make a variation with a salted egg yolk for the moon festival this coming end of summer. Crust based on a Dutch pastry. Tell everyone it's our clan's traditional moon cake. Fruits and less nuts.
The addition of a salted egg yolk would be super.

If anyone starts farting in the middle of the night, don't look at me.
I'm sure someone will remember them.

When I get home from work I'm not particulary hungry, and tend to snack more than dine. And because we ran out of chocolate, I opened the Dresden fruit cake.

One of the other things I ate was kulit salmon berisi telur masin. Quite excellent.

Maple pecan crumble? A combination of healthy and nutty fun.

For some reasone it's near the computer.

Mmmmm. No.

I feel that as a Dutchman of sober and reasonable habits, I should perhaps go into the kitchen and find some cheese. My apartment mate keep us supplied with that.
Cheese, crackers, and gobs of sambal. Yes.
It's a sane and sensible snack.
As we Dutch are known for.
Sambal is a vegetable.
It's good for you!

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