Monday, January 01, 2024


A reader recently posted a comment, to which I responded as follows: "An old Victorian somewhere in a forest, if not used as a prison, sounds delightful. Provided, of course, that emergency services can get there fast if needed, and a pharmacy is easily reachable, as well as a place where caffeinated beverages may be had. So, an urban forest. Possibly several blocks of redwoods in a cluster near bus lines and a Chinatown."
End self-quote.

You understand of course why there has to be a Chinatown fairly nearby. Oyster sauce, soy sauce, chili paste, star anise, fatty pork, salt fish, noodles, and milk tea.
Plus dried oysters and hair vegetable.
For New Year.

A person needs the fundaments of civilized life. Especially if infesting the attic and dark corners of a dusty abode amid trees. With a stash of pipe tobacco and fine briars.
One imagines that there is also a book room with a few easy chairs (possibly rattan) and one or two ashtrays. No more than that, because that implies a plurality of company, and I am not that social. One or two people. Just one is fine. Another pipe smoker. Female. With her own reading preferences. Who is self-motivated and independent minded, and will often do her own thing, because I will not think for two, heck I can barely think for one, and am not capable of or competent at providing hours of entertainment and stimulation.

No aromatic mixtures. Obviously. Good pipe tobacco does not need fruity top-dressing, nor does it benefit in any way from that. Precisely like good coffee and good tea.

A tobacconist and a book store in the not too distant vicinity is implied.
Sometimes one must explore new things.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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