Monday, January 15, 2024


Part of it is chemistry, part of it is "substances". In particular the active ingredients in coffee and chocolate. Kids, don't follow my example! I don't want you snarfing all the chocolate.
Porn. Do porn instead. And leave the chocolate to me.

Especially if you are white, middle class, and under thirty.
You represent everything wrong with America.
You don't deserve chocolate.

White, middle class, and under thirty.

You support all the wrong causes, and love psychopaths and dictators in the third world. You join protests for the fluffy homicidals. You wear clothing and designer items showing your undying devotion to the insanity of parts of the world where you could never live.

You are Idi Amin Dada and Colonel Qaddafi.
You are Harvard's mutant swine.
You are Jacob Zuma.
You are the sneering hatefilled graffiti on walls and monuments in Dublin, London, and Glasgow. Garbage eating, drivel spouting, slogan chanting, and generally intolerant, unbearable, holier than thou. Many of you are strident and remarkably stupid.

Some of you are also tourists, whether from Europe or some bourgeois hellhole in the rest of the country. You are ambulatory clutter. And the food you customarily eat is horrid.

You are dense and loathsome.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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