Friday, January 26, 2024


He produced the most amazing shrill and piercing sounds. His older sister was not nearly so ear-splitting. It's amazing what a difference a year and a half makes. As well as gender. Not that either child acted spoiled. But there was an excess of energy there, which made the otherwise quiet street seem alive.

Little Chinese boys are, usually, not as well modulated as little Chinese girls.
Probably because of different social conditioning.

I had been smoking a pipe after tea at a place which looks clean and new, even though it's been in business for decades, new owners six or seven years ago. Since the proprietor passed away, his widow has revamped it. It's far more modern looking now.
I hope she does well. I want to see good things in her life.

Her HK milk tea is nice and strong, and quite the waker-upper.

During the main part of my weekend I usually end up having lunch and milk tea at the far end of Chinatown, near Broadway. Where it is good to hang out. Neither of those places (seen in the picture below) attract Caucasians particularly, possibly because white Americans are timid folk when they feel outnumbered. And there are no hamburgers.

The place I went to yesterday should do fine once the tourists from the rest of the country are back in droves. It looks so inviting! And rather white folks friendly.

Some of the bakery offerings are not what they are familiar with, but the barbecue pork buns are a popular item that usually sells out by early afternoon.
Maybe the kwailo have discovered it already.

Also no hamburgers. Folks, if you really want to prosper, y'all need to offer hamburgers! Keeps mah and pah Johnson from Poughkeepsie happy. And their voluminous brood.
If you also have thirty two ounce diet sodas, you'll be rich!

Besides, that's sure to keep the Dutch American pipesmokers away.
They don't like it when there are so many Anglos about.
It throws them off their stride.

Perhaps the next time I go there it will be around mid-day.
Try the barbecue pork buns. Before they sell out.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

I found this place on Pacific. Had a lovely lunch there on Sunday in fact: braised ginger noodles with bbq pork and scallions. Their HK Milk tea was tasty as well. There was an incident in which a homeless woman wandered in and was chased out, twice, by a petite but loud employee who was not having any of it. After the vagrant was shooed away, the employee grabbed a spray can of air freshener and waved it about. My kind of place. I can see why you like it with all the pastries in the full display case.

The back of the hill said...

That's probably the New Hollywood Bakery and Restaurant (荷里活茶餐廳 'ho lei wut chaa chan teng") at 652 Pacific. One of my regular stops. Good place.

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