Sunday, June 18, 2023


You know I'm sick when I tell you that I have not smoked a pipe more than once since last Sunday, and I didn't even finish the bowl, which I had loaded only half full. It was a smallish pipe too. My smoking has mostly been hiking out to the landing of the airwell of the building with a short half ciggy from the stash of Camels screwed into my holder, a few puffs, then stubbing it out in the empty tobacco tin I keep there on the fourth step.
Two or three times a day.

Suffice to say not the best tobacco-related experience ever.
"So now is a good time to quit", I hear you say.
You sound brightly optimistic.
Oh shut up.

The good thing about Covid is that it does not work the same way as the common cold or influenza. So be of good cheer when you get it yourself. It will last more than a week, and people will passionately wish to avoid you, almost like the bubonic plague or a venereal disease. You'll want to avoid them too, because they transmitted it. People.
Folks in general, not specific persons.
A significant number of COVID-19 patients reported experiencing vertigo. Vertigo and dizziness have been listed among the clinical manifestations of COVID-19.

I am perhaps not normally among the most balanced of people.
So it's a damned good thing I don't ride a bicycle.
Residential streets would not be safe.
Screaming pedestrians.

Years ago my aparment mate described the menses as a porcupine with maracas. Vertigo, obviously, is a grumpy cat hogging the space around your ankles at inconvenient moments, like when you're in the kitchen, or in the bathroom trying to pee, or teetering at the edge of steep narrow stairs having an apathetic puff of a Turkish and Domestic blend of entubed dead leaves.

You'll see your life flashing before your eyes.
It wasn't that exciting.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

The back of the hill said...

As it turns out, some people do not know what 'Vertigo' means. "Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. It's the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning. This feeling may be barely noticeable, or it may be so severe that you find it difficult to keep your balance and do everyday tasks."

And: "Neurological symptoms have been frequently observed with COVID-19 infection, many of which are not specific to SARS-CoV-2, being associated with many other viral infections [44]. Dizziness and vertigo seem to be prevalent symptoms in COVID-19 patients and, as non-specific symptoms, may be overlooked in patients with additional neurological symptoms." From here:

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