Sunday, May 23, 2021


Bill Bushman, responding to news first that Australia was waging war on Emus, secondly to their also waging war on Bunnies, and thirdly to Oakley Boren commenting that she couldn't get the image of Bunnies riding Emus out of her head, created what I believe is probably the best image of Global Climate Change and its likely effect on human civilization: total anarchy, and scenes of post-apocalyptic mayhem.

The beginning of a new world order.
Bill Bushman: the elite Bunny/Emu Cavalry unit.
As featured on Science Babe's FB page.

Pictured: most likely scenario. Please note that fossil fuels are not part of the picture, but I have a suspicion that giant space carrots are.

Our ever-so-cute overlords.

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