Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Bought several little Hong Kong style chicken pies (港式雞批 'gong sik gai pai') while in Chinatown today. It's been so long since I had these, so I had to. After giving some to my downstairs neighbor, I had one with my tea before heading out for a walk. It's nice to see that my favourite neighborhood is maintaining. Despite the visiting dumbasses who refuse to wear masks because of Freedums and they don't do that where they come from (which is where people are still dying of Covid) and it's a communist plot or sumpin' plus lizard aliens.

Nothing says that all is well like a cup of strong milk tea at the right time.
All in all, in the last year American society has show strong veins of loon. Besides denialism and apathy, there's the tendency on both sides of the political aisle to blame certain groups. Asian Americans, Black Lives Matter, Kommoonees, Jews, Colorado.
Personally, I blame the My Pillow guy and Caitlin Jenner.
As well as the entire state of Florida.
Damned Christians!

It's fun blaming others. While I sit here in my comfortable digs talking to a stuffed Turkey Vulture. Who also likes Hong Kong chicken pies (surprise!) and tea (although he prefers coffee). Especially batshit insane types like the My Pillow Guy.

Not very practical or realistic, though. We all had a hand in the insanity.
All of us contribute mightily to the neurosis.

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