Sunday, May 09, 2021


My coworker for this weekend, a few days ago went arse over teakettle on her bike. In consequence of which her rib cage hurts, one of her toes may be broken, or a toe bone cracked, and her sternum hurts. Naturally I do not wish her to do any heavy lifting.
I do not wish to do much heavy lifting either.
But heavy lifting must be done.

My coworker every Friday broke her ribs a while back, and should not do any heavy lifting. There is altogether too damned much heavy lifting in this world.
We need more light lifting instead.

"We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"
------Presidential candidate Kodos.

Four years ago a coworker broke her back biking on a trail in northern Marin. No, the Friday coworker wasn't biking when she broke her ribs -- she stepped out for a cigarette late at night and tripped on her front porch -- but two out three accidents involved bikes, and all of these mishaps occurred in northern Marin. And all three people are smokers.

A doctor would argue that smoking is dangerous.
I'll argue that northern Marin is.

Oh, and twirling.

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