Tuesday, May 11, 2021


It looks very much like California will be going mask-free in a few weeks. Which means that unvaccinated people will die. One of whom I know; the dummy is convinced that there is a nano-chip in the vaccine, and doesn't keep his mouth shut.

A completely cynical and uncaring man would take bets on his chances of surviving, and how soon he'll catch Covid. I am not quite that bad.

We've tried reasoning with him, to no avail. He's stubborn and ill-informed.

No masks indoors with multiple people coming and going is guaranteed exposure.
Compounding the situation, he's seventy five years old and distrusts doctors.
He's seen youtube videos.

There will be many deaths among the vaccine-resistant.

Considering the type of people that they are, I do not know whether I should rejoice or not. Their demises will further herd immunity and benefit all of us.
Most of them are irritating and offensive nutballs.
Some are simply stupid.

Being stupid should not be a death sentence.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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