Tuesday, July 23, 2019


From an article in the South China Morning Post: "Shortly before midnight, more than 200 people confronted the white-clad men at the entrance of nearby Nam Pin Wai village. Police reinforcements were then sent to the village to investigate. "
SOURCE: How marauding gang struck fear into Yuen Long, leaving pregnant woman and dozens of protesters injured, and Hong Kong police defending their response.

Nam Pin Wai

Unlike most of my readers, whom I presume to be calm phlegmatic types inclined to wait for all investigations and evidence eventually to allow a sober assessment, my emotional inclination at this point is to advocate burning Nam Pin Wai village down to the ground and salt the earth. Seeing as all evidence indicates that the walled village harboured the sons of bitches.

CITE: "Victims seen begging mob for mercy in harrowing video footage at MTR station"

CITE: "In a shockingly violent rampage of unprecedented lawlessness, a mob of men in white T-shirts stormed into the Yuen Long MTR station, indiscriminately attacking people with sticks and iron rods."

CITE: "the assailants beat up anyone they came across, including passengers on trains, passers-by and even journalists at the scene."

CITE: "Some were waving Chinese national flags and placards reading, “Defend Yuen Long, defend our homeland.”"

CITE: "Police later said more than 100 men were involved in the attack and a second one at midnight, including members of the notorious 14K and Wo Shing Wo triad gangs."

CITE: "Word of the imminent trouble on Sunday had spread earlier through Apple’s airdrop file transfer service and social media, warning protesters not to get off at Yuen Long station amid reports that a crowd of suspicious men had gathered near Fung Yau Street East."

CITE: "A message had been circulated the day before among closed circles, calling on Yuen Long residents not to wear black, the preferred colour of the protest movement. Villagers in the district also said they were reminded by their rural leaders not to venture out on Sunday if they could."

CITE: "“I saw a woman lying on the ground and some white-shirted people around her with their faces covered. Some of them were brandishing sticks and metal rods, some of them were not. She was the one later referred to as the injured pregnant woman online. Her condition was stable but she did not know the whereabouts of her husband, who was chased after and beaten.”"

CITE: "A team of 100 riot police officers went to Nam Pin Wai village, where most of the men in white shirts had gathered, at around 1am. But no arrests were made."

Entrance to Nam Pin Wai -- Wikipedia - Yuen Long Kau Hui
Chong Fat - Own work 南邊圍門樓 

It's not unusual for an entire Clan Village to be complicit in criminal activity, there have been several such cases on the well-organized mainland, in hinterland Guangdong and Fujian.

Seeing as the police did not aprehend anybody until substantially later, and given that two local politicians may have had some prior knowledge of events before they transpired -- Arthur Shek (石鏡泉), and Junius Ho (何君堯) -- in addition to the "rural leaders" mentioned above, questions need to be asked. Pointedly.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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