Monday, June 17, 2019


All day yesterday at work people were wishing me a "Happy Fathers' Day". Not because there is even one iota of evidence that I have offspring -- not a blessed one -- but because I look "fatherly".
At least I think that's what it was.
Fatherly, avuncular, sumpin'.

Well, I would have liked to have kids. Never could talk Savage Kitten into it when we were a couple. She had issues (her own childhood) and reservations (about either of our suitability as parents).

Personally, I think I should make a damned fine father.
As several people yesterday evidently also believe.

At the very least the kid would have a decent vocabulary, and be reasonably well informed on a number of subjects.

Plus also, one would hope, a decent human being.

With luck, a much better kid than I was.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Dementor Billy said...

This isn't about Father's Day, but it's about food, and I know that much of your blog is about food, so I would love it you could please please write a post, perhaps a review, of this fascination diet / food habit:

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