Thursday, June 06, 2019


Someone yesterday at the roast meats place asked for edamame. Which, in an eatery that specializes in animal protein several ways, is peculiar. The Chinese are not big consumers of hairy beans (毛豆 'mou dau') in any case. And 'edamame', or "branch bean" (枝豆 'ji dau') is not a universal term.
Young soybeans, not fully grown, and sweet.
Very nutritious, popular in Japan.
And among white people.

But not all white people.

Even though it was a white people what asked for it. While waiting for his chow mein. My apartment mate (a non-white people, being of Cantonese extraction) used to chow down on those things with great zest. I myself (a prime example of white people) avoid them quite assiduously.
I am not a dinosaur, I do not need to provide gas.

[Assiduously: 矻矻的、艱苦的 ('ngaat ngaat di', 'gaan fu di').]

Still, they're supposed to be a great addition to your diet, good for you.

Being an ornery old cock, I shall scoff.
They jest ain't anyways appealing.
Have some duck instead.
It's spiritual.


Lunch was delicious. The pipe afterwards was also most enjoyable. As was the milk tea that followed. And the second pipeful of aged Virginia leaf.
Lovely weather, hardly any wind and not cold at all.

All in all, a perfect day.

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