Sunday, May 19, 2019


Today was marked by three culturally significant events: Bay to Breakers, Pipe Club, and the final episode of Game of Thrones. Major, minor, mega.

GOT: There will not be any spoilers for the Game of Thrones ending here. Primarily because I don't watch that garbage, and wading through all the internet pouffle talking about it, or screaming in despair, shortly after eight o'clock on the evening of Sunday May nineteenth takes more effort than I am willing to expend. It's a soul-crushing waste of time. Suffice to say that dragons give some people huge orgasms, whereas others, many others, are now experiencing an emptiness in their groins.
Oh, those aching fantasy groins!

Bay to Breakers: Naked middle aged people running with beer in the rain. And folks dressed as hot dogs and beer bottles. Plus giraffes, zebras, and many other things. Oh, the zaniness! Someone asked why it was always the folks who should not be seen naked who disrobe for the race, and I had to explain that precisely the people who SHOULD be seen naked lack the insulation for it. San Francisco is cold. Mister Walrus Man won't notice the chill, and the Blubber Fairy is more than perfectly prepared for this.
If they are capable of running, they by all means should.
Their children will proudly remember this day.
Daddy got arrested!

Pipe Club: My suggestion that next year we field a squad of naked middle aged and elderly gentlemen with pipes fell on deaf ears. Even when I said that fanny packs for tobacco, tampers, matches, and bristly pipe cleaners would certainly be encouraged, as well as colourful scarves and umbrellas. Perhaps the stumbling block was the information that I would only be there in spirit, full of moral support, because I always work Sundays.
I'm kind of a man of the cloth in that regard.
They look to me for leadership.
In this I defer to youth.

When I joined the gentlemen for a brief period, the conversation was about salmon. It expanded into codfish, plus, briefly, halibut, but kept returning to salmon. About which an awful lot can be said.

Biltong was also mentioned.

As well as the yak.

Tobaccos on the table: Greg Pease's Quiet Nights, Rattray's Hal O' The Wynd, Solomon's Presbyterian, some aromatic crap, and a plug.

Two bottles of Port, Laphroaig, plus red wines.
Preserved meats, cheese, and hummus.
Plus pretzels, sourdough, pita.

Later, when Sam arrived, he talked informatively about briar structure and geographic sources, to great appreciation. Unfortunately I missed almost all of that, as the place got rather busy for a while.

Next year's Bay to Breakers race should have many more naked middle-aged people (all genders) running with beer. It will not be as nearly cold, and San Francisco likes beer.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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