Sunday, January 14, 2018


Actually, I need more time and caffeine. Today was pipe club day, which is always a bad time to take on a big project. And it was also pothead day and little white nipple guy day. Let it be known that little white nipple guy has an entire jar of the things. And those are just the one's on top of his desk, that to his great distress got knocked over by someone in his house.
He does not know who.

He needs the little white nipples in case there is ever a shortage of Dunhill butane (for lighters) and the Lotus butane requires adapters. It is a serious matter, and he has given it considerable thought.

He arrived shortly after three. He left a few minutes before five.

Help me Jayzis, there's nuts down here.

The pipe club stayed in the far corner discussing the theory of relativity, and the new foundations for William's cottage. They were no problem at all.
The pothead called to find out something he's known for years.
Little white nipple guy disquisitioned at great length.

Tomorrow is the last day of my work week. I've got fifteen pipes to finish.
Fortunately all that is left to do is stem-polishing.
Should be a piece of cake.


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