Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Apparently, I am too scary to contact, OR actually talk to in person. That is a perfectly "logical" conclusion that can be drawn from the fact that someone I know used an intermediary to communicate.

Either that, or I just don't rank in his world.

That's also a likelihood.

Either way, I'll go out of my way to avoid him in future.
If his world is that fragile, it is for the best.

The other possibility, and it is a very great one, is that I am a quite unlikable person. Not hip enough, nor intelligent enough. And consequently not only extremely difficult and painfully frustrating to deal with, but also someone people would rather avoid. Which certainly does explain a lot.

Trust me on this: you do not want to talk to me.

And I carry the plague. Or cooties.

Icky! Icky! Icky!

Yep, not a rational person, not someone you can talk to, not a person you would want to deal with or ask a favour of, nor worth knowing, on the whole rather irritating and dull. You will rue the day you met me.
I am unstable and frightfully boring.
Odious in person.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Marijn, NL said...

perhaps a bit late to the party, but I don't think I'd agree on the stated sentiments.
From the few posts I've been able to glance over while at work, I'd say you are an interesting person. Especially in conversation.

Then again, that might be because I don't know you in person. Maybe you are as dull and scary as you say you are. Or perhaps I find dull intellect interesting to read/converse with. I don't know.


The back of the hill said...

Nice comment. Thank you. And happy to see that at least one other person is reading my blog (other than the people who have been here for years).

Of ik echt interessant in gesprek ben is voor mij ook een vraag... natuurlijk denk ik van wel. Maar het merendeel der mensheid vergist zich vaak wat dat betreft.

De hierbovengenoemde persoon is normalitair juist niet te schuw om met mij te spreken. En dat verwonderde mij.


Marijn said...

Well, I cant say I'm a loyal follower. To be perfectly honest, I just stumbled across your blog this afternoon (morning to you, obviously) while googling god-knows-what for work. Honestly, I don't remember what I was looking for. It showed one of your posts about the cigar shop in Eindhoven. (I work in Eindhoven, hence the reference)

Het gevoel is mij niet onbekend. Ik vind mijzelf ook vaak interessanter dan dat anderen dat vinden... ;-)

The back of the hill said...

Ah yes, Piet Van Kuyk. And I can still remember the streets of Eindhoven, even though I haven't been there in over fifteen years. It's probably changed a bit since then.

Marijn said...

Indeed, a lot has changed. I have only witnessed 8-10 of those fifteen years, it has changed a lot. However, I'm happy to inform you that Piet van Kuyk is still there, in the same spot. I tried to take a quick picture of his shop for you. However the traffic light in front of it was green for a change, and the bus would not stop. So all I have is 2 blurred images of non-descript closed shutters...

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