Saturday, July 18, 2015


Donald Trump avoided serving due to student and medical deferments. John McCain served, was shot down, and spent over five brutal years as a prisoner of war in Hanoi.

Mind you, I would not vote for either man. But in the case of McCain, it would be because his politics and mine do not overlap. In the case of Trump, it would be because I consider him a low-life scumbucket, severely deficient in manners, morals, ethics, and any sense of decency. One of the worst pieces of human trash in the current Republican line-up, which is even less known for sentience and humanity than previous assortments of Republican president wannabees.

What Donald Trump said about Mexicans was beyond the pale.
What he recently spewed about McCain trumps even that.

It's true what they say: wealth makes much forgiven.

Even being a pompous blowhard.

Repulsive, and bug-like.

And so, without further ado, I present the giant isopod.



There are more loathsome creatures (the technical term is "icky"), but you will have to admit, that looks remarkably like Donald Trump.
Just look at those comb-over plates!

According to Wikipedia, "the species are noted for resemblance to the common woodlouse or pill bug, to which they are related".

Further from that Wikipedia essay, "their morphology resembles that of their terrestrial cousin, the woodlouse: their bodies are dorso-ventrally compressed, protected by a rigid, calcareous exoskeleton composed of overlapping segments. Like the woodlouse, they also possess the ability to curl up into a "ball", where only the tough shell is exposed. This provides protection from predators trying to strike at the more vulnerable underside. The first shell segment is fused to the head; the most posterior segments are often fused as well, forming a "caudal shield" over the shortened abdomen."

It's quite a fascinating article, and makes for far more enjoyable reading than any biography of Donald Trump, no matter how bowdlerized and cleaned-up. The giant isopod is a worthwhile cog in nature's wheel, performing a necessary function in the ecology of the ocean.

Basically, it's a big aquatic maggot.


"Although generalist scavengers, these isopods are mostly carnivorous and feed on dead whales, fish, and squid; they may also be active predators of slow-moving prey such as sea cucumbers, sponges, radiolarians, nematodes, and other zoobenthos, and perhaps even live fish. They are known to attack trawl catches. As food is scarce in the deep ocean biome, giant isopods must make do with what fortune brings; they are adapted to long periods of famine and have been known to survive over five years without food in captivity"


Donald Trump could not survive over five years in captivity, even with food. He'd probably curl up into a tight ball, with only his armour plates showing, and scream like a baby, while dreaming of liquefied cadavers.
He craves attention, and will do almost anything to get it.
Which usually involves opening his mouth.
Which he really shouldn't do.
Slime inside.

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