Friday, March 27, 2015


First off, I have to admit that I have strenuously AVOIDED most American sweets and candies of the cheap and garbage-y variety for years. Decades. Twinkies? The very idea repulsed me. Perhaps it was the goofy names. Never had pop-rocks, and it's only in the last few years that I've ventured into Butterfinger territory.
I always kind of assumed these things were trailer trash kibble.
Rather like American beer. Or canned malt liquour.
Nourishment for pimpled meth freaks.

What can I say? I live and San Francisco, and grew up with an entirely different bad food aesthetic. You know, when we live in Holland we had chocolate-slathered herring and green cheesy sugar bombs.
It so good! You really gotta try it!
Stupid Americans.



Rockets all over, and diwali in my mouth. Achcha! Now that these happy people are praising these things, well, except for the picky one who compares Twinkies unfavourably to mawa cake, I feel a perverse kind of personal national pride. We invented this stuff! Us! Americans!

"I have never toasted a pastry in my life."

Well yeah, that also. From pop-tarts to pop-rocks and beyond, there is so much I haven't ever eaten, and refuse to try. But I totally approve of them now, and cannot get enough of these exceptionally likable young folks (who probably live in San Francisco) testing and talking about these fine products.

Best line:
"This is gonna probably take me the entire cricket match, to eat."

I too am imaging a bunch of really hyper-active kids.
Seriously, I cannot get enough of this.
I've hit replay several times.

Thumbs up, American processed foods.

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1 comment:

phonemenally amphibious said...

"Crispity and crunchity": I can listen to Sardarji saying that all day.

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