Wednesday, March 04, 2015


Having sworn not to listen to the prime-minister's speech but to read it, at leisure, instead, I did note from several newsreports (i.e.; Facebook postings) that his excellency monumentally inspired our elected representatives. Never before have they heard words of such conviction.
In all their lives, there has not been a moment so important.

We must all unite for the cause.
And a new world awaits us all if we do.
There will be enormous positive reverberations.

It is heartening that for once our congress people are all on one page, unanimous in their approval of a course of action, a call to arms, a statement of import, and a message of resolve.

My correspondents have, helpfully, sent messages that, in the end, convinced me of the rightness.

Along with video clips of the enthusiasm with which congress welcomed Bibi Netanyahu.

The rose, they clapped, they cheered.



After it was all over, pundits and commentators agreed that never before had there been such a forthright speech, or such an inspiring political message. There was great clarity, and truth had been exposed.
This, in the final analysis, settled the question.
The Gordian Knot had been clearly cut.
A veritable Rubicon, sir!

Such happy!

Here's the reaction by Fox News:



There's truthiness there!

For nearly two decades, Bibi Netanyahu has striven to inform us of the enormous positive reverberations, and finally we are ready to hear him.
Bibi Netanyahu speaks for us. All of us. Even those who disagree.

The reward for such singleminded determination is manifest.

Only one thing still remains to be done now.

Vote for Bibi in the next election.

Anything else is treason.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

We must always remember three thing...

The back of the hill said...


The back of the hill said...

That rocks!

Ari said...


Anonymous said...

Elect Bibi for messiah.

bellicosely amphibious said...

Bibi T. Firefly!

The back of the hill said...

That, mr. Amphibian, rocks.

This Country's Going to War.

Now I'll always associate Bibi and Boehner with Duck Soup.

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