Sunday, March 22, 2015


A school in upstate New York managed to insult a whole bunch of people by having the Pledge of Allegiance recited in other languages than English last week, as part of a program to expose some of the ignorant savages in its care to other cultural norms and sounds. Mind-expansion, as it were.

[Pine Bush High School, during National Foreign Language Week, meant to “promote the fact that those who speak a language other than English still pledge to salute this great country”. Other languages planned: French, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. Article in the Los Angeles times.]

This irritated the spit out of some ignorant savages.

Reason being that they lost kin in Afghanistan.

Or claimed Jewish ancestry, more or less.

A few, however, may be just stupid.

See, one of the languages was Arabic.

[About the term "ignorant savages": some of the greatest scientists and philosophers the world has ever known spoke Arabic as their first tongue, it is not a significant primary language in any part of Afghanistan, and Jews have spoken Arabic far, far longer than English.
These are facts. Objecting to Arabic because one is unaware of such things qualifies the person perfectly as an 'ignorant savage'. So suck it up.]

Here's the Pledge of Allegiance in Dutch, which predates English as a common tongue in New York: "Ik zweer trouw aan de vlag van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika en de Republiek voor wie zij staat, een natie onder God, onverdeelbaar, met vrijheid en gerechtigheid voor allen."

Now lets try it in Spanish: "Prometo lealtad a la bandera de los Estados Unidos de América y a la República a la que representa, una nación ante Dios, indivisible, con libertad y justicia para todos."

German? "Ich schwöre treue auf die fahne der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und die Republik für die sie steht, eine nation unter Gott, unteilbar, mit freiheit und gerechtigkeit für jeden."

And Italian: "Giuro fedelta alla bandiera, degli Stati Uniti d’America, e alla Repubblica che essa rappresenta, una nazione sotto Dio, indivisibile, con liberta e giustizia per tutti."

Polish: "Ślubuję wierność fladze Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki. I Republiki na której stoi, jeden naród indivisable, o wolności i sprawiedliwości dla wszystkich."

Perhaps now is the time to mention that as a descendant of the original settlers in Nieuw Amsterdam -- you know, the folks who BOUGHT the entire frikkin' continent from a bunch of Indians for twenty-two dollars worth of trinkets, and then taught the natives how to scalp -- and as a Dutch-speaker to boot, I am incredibly offended that all of you ignorant savages are speaking English.
We bought it. All of it. What the hell are YOU doing here?
The bright side of that is that there are already enough ignorant savages who speak Dutch, so we really don't need any of you lot to learn our language.

Now, here's the Pledge of Allegiance in the most important language in the world:


[Cantonese pronunciation, for San Franciscans: 'Ngo suen-sai haau-jung Mei-lei-gin-hap-jung-gwok gwok-kei kap haau-jung so doi-biu ji gung-wo-gwok, seung tai ji haa, mei ho fan-lit ji gwok-dou, ji-yau peng-dang chuen-man gaai-heung'.]

Damn, some of you 'English-Only' types are twats.

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