Friday, June 14, 2013


Readers have on occasion taken me to task for dwelling overmuch on certain subjects. They feel, wrongly so, that I have the same subjects on my mind far too often. Young ladies, pipe tobacco, underwear of either gender, milk-tea, and other depravities. Sometimes, they say, this seems a fetish blog.

And what, pray tell, is WRONG about that?!?
Everyone on the planet has fetishes.
We are all obsessed.

One of my friends dwells absurdly on his fantasy baseball team. Another one finds tequila infinitely fascinating. Yet others will, when squiffy, admit to keen curiosity about feminine undergarments.
At least I focus on the nether-gear of BOTH genders.
My own snazzy boxers, your lovely panties.
It's healthy, is what it is.


Wait a sec, that didn't come out right. Some of you do not want to lose your chains. But that's okay. In a protest march, you can scream in unison "pantie revolution now!"
If nothing else, avoid cotton fatigue; cast off your tired old undies.
This blogger is at heart a revolutionary.

A blog is NOT a source of news. It may provide opinions, but these need not be about weighty matters. A tin of pipe-tobacco is two ounces, a pair of lovely deep-pink cotton panties is scarcely half an ounce.
Nor is it a source of hard data, necessarily. See the two facts above.

If it is anything at all, it is a soap-box.
Think of it as an outpost of Hyde Park.
Or a rational alternative to Fox News.

Never-the-less, to cater to that segment of my readers who inexplicably are NOT endlessly fascinated with food, cotton with lace trim, pipe tobacco, or comforting beverages quaffed around four o'clock, it sometimes proves necessary to offer matters of more general interest.

Wherefore I present something else.

Dancing bare-chested men!

Запорізький марш


The bare-chested men appear around the fortieth second in. And my heavens, though it barely lasted ten seconds, that is a sprightly dance!
It is a veritable ode to spring! Did you enjoy it?

Additionally there are large stocky gentlemen (with smooth chests) beating on a drum. That, too, may prove unbearably exciting if you are thus inclined.
Personally I would prefer to see the other gender so 'clothed', irrespective of their dancing skills or musical ability. But that's just the way I am.
I like the dude with the pipe, by the way.
His nickname is "crooked nose".
That's a lovely pipe.

I do not care about his underwear. I'm reasonably certain that it isn't a pretty cotton item. It is immaterial to me what he's got on down under, though it is to be hoped that his pipe-tobacco is excellent, his baggy boxers are comfy, his milk-tea is sufficiently sweet, and that he has nothing but wholesome and upstanding fetishes.

As do the rest of us.


Yes, panties are nice. Especially if clean and fresh. But it's more about the person inside of them. Who should also be clean and fresh.
That is all.

Please note the handy clickable label below ('Panties'). Hitting it will bring up everything I have to say about such, most recent post first. Which today is this. Just go below for more insight into the matter.
Pipe tobacco is also mentioned.
But no bare-chested men.
This is the first time.
For that subject.

NOTE: The scenes above are from the Polish movie 'With Fire And Sword', about the Cossack revolt that ushered in the twilight of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. When informed that the Poles were sending a military force to suppress ferment in the trans-Borysthene Ukraine, the leader of the Zaporizhian Sedge ('Kozaki Zaporoski') Bogdan Chmielnitski responded by marching against them, and in a series of well-done attacks routed their hosts. For the next several years Poland and Ukrayina burned, while the Polish king struggled against the constipation of his nobles and the magnates of the realm. All of this is lovingly detailed in the novels 'Ogniem i mieczem', 'Potop', and 'Pan Wołodyjewski', written by Henri Sienkiewits in the late nineteenth century.

Further note: Polish feminine nether garments might be red with white lace trim, Ukrainian scanties possibly blue with gold embroidery. But this is just random irresponsible speculation.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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