Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The internet exists, as you have undoubtedly heard, primarily for three things: cute kitten pictures, recipes, and smut. 
Sometimes these categories overlap. Sometimes they are carefully differentiated.
This blog contains only ONE of those things.
But not all of my readers know it.
As my blog stats show.


smoking badger   
cherie chung chor hung   
crab foo yong   
旧金山 人仁餅屋   
anal tobacco   
anarch zionism   
at the back of the hill   
badger pipe   
balkan tobacco blends   

The first item on the list describes me. I am the smoking badger.
Yes, my dear, I am that. Your long search is over.
You found me. So very very lucky!

Especially if you resemble Cherie Chung.
Or maybe not, but it really depends on you.
Do you have ANY similarities with miss Chung?
Do please let me know, as I am anxious to find out.

The next two search criteria after the very nice young lady (ms. Chung) are food related (crab foo yong and 舊金山人仁餅屋). This is commendable. You like to eat. And I also like to eat. We should exchange notes.

What comes next is just weird. Please get help.

Excepting the very last keyword, I can understand the remaining searches.
Perhaps the person looking for 'bestiality' is doing a term paper?
If so, I wish you the very best of luck.

For the week, the keywords have been:

at the back of the hill (16), naked school girl (11), sex with horses (6), cherie chung chor hung (4), lukum (4), sex with monkeys (4), smoking badger (4), atthebackofthehill (3), naked school girls (3), non-tobacco pipe blends, phoenix, az (3).

I must say I'm somewhat disappointed. There are far too many naked school girls, and not enough people looking for badgers. Life is not about naked schoolgirls.
In the abstract, perhaps, they're an interesting concept.
But much less appealing than badgers.
Badgers who smoke are HOT.
Surely you knew that?

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

What about a smoking honey badger ? - he REALLY doesn't give a shit

Anonymous said...

phoenix, az? Now thats just weird....

The back of the hill said...

That honey badger clip is a classic.

Phoenix Az? I haven't a clue.
Can't even remember mentioning that place, ever.

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...