Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Some people use pills and alcohol. Others go into the stockroom and break all the bottles with a baseball bat. A few, following some unwise suggestions I made years ago, call strangers at random and make their lives just a little more surreal.
Freak phone conversations: they're therapeutic!

On the other hand, what also works is a bowlful of tobacco that must be smoked calmly, followed by spicy noodles. 
Try it.  You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Every document I tried finding this morning was missing from the designated folders in the database. Payment instructions from a customer made no sense at all, and it is unlikely anyone at that company would have any clue what I was going on about.
There were several other issues.
Some of them audit-related.

Massive frustration, beyond the normal and acceptable levels of massive frustration, led to a headache and a pounding feeling.

However, after smoking a bowlful of a medium flake that also contained some Kentucky leaf, and eating Thai noodles, I feel a lot better.

Lest they bite, flake tobaccos must be smoked slow and cool.
Doing so calms the person down.
And nobody is tense around thin savoury slurpy hot noodles.
With shrimp sauce.
And porky bits.
Plus chilies.

Plummy tobacco. Stinky noodle.

Life is good.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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