Wednesday, June 06, 2012


For some reason the name Henry Darger came up more than once recently in conversation. Henry Darger, as the attentive reader remembers, was the obsessive genius to whom e-kvetcher once compared me.

Literature mavens everywhere were dismayed, depressed even, when that stellar composer in the field of prose passed from the scene.
We need to name a literary prize after him.

Anyway, while providing background detail on the aforementioned wordsmith, reference was made to a cocktail that I had invented:


2 oz Bourbon.
Heavy dash Grenadine.
Three drops Angostura.
Over ice in a highball glass, top with ginger ale.
Add a cherry, a bendy straw, and an umbrella.

Suitable for coming out events, funerals, baby showers, and Quinceañeras, as well as both bar and bat mitzvoth.
Especially if you have Hello Kitty highball glasses.

Note: Can also be made with Scotch. I suggest Dalmore.

I make mention of this, because apparently some complete degenerate out there is marketing pipe tobacco that is flavoured with Grenadine.
How horrible, and how European!
I cannot imagine anything more depraved.
This must be stopped.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Tzipporah said...

YUM. I would use this.

e-kvetcher said...

Hmm, got everything at my house except the ginger ale. Tempted to make myself one of these bad boys...

The back of the hill said...

Tzipporah, those glasses are lovely!

E-kvetcher, if you can find real ginger ale it's really good.

Anonymous said...

Rye may be substituted for bourbon, yah?

The back of the hill said...

Yes, in fact almost any whisky can be substituted.
Except Ardbeg.

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The back of the hill said...

Spammatic comment above allowed, because of the pretty food and wine pictures.

This blogger likes pretty food and wine pictures.

Plus Caterers Jacksonville looks like a nice enterprise.

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