Thursday, September 22, 2011


Recently someone sent me a message via my letter box (which is linked under every post written since summer 2010), asking:

איך 'ווע מען שאַרף אויף די וועב טריינג צו געפֿינען אידעעס אויף ווי צו באַקומען מיין פערזענליכע בלאָג פּלאַץ קאָדעד, דיין פּרעזענט סטיל און טעמע זענען ווונדערלעך. צי האָט איר קאָד עס דיין זיך אָדער האט איר רעקרוט אַ קאָדער צו באַקומען עס געטאן פֿאַר איר פּערסאַנלי?

Actually I simply picked one of the layouts available from Blogger. It was the same one that Margavriel used, his blog being one of the first one's I started reading in 2005.
One of the reasons I liked it was the colour scheme - shades of pink are gentle to the eyes, and make elderly wrinkles disappear.
The current version of Blogger allows the user to adjust hues and fonts in their library of pre-set formats, and hardly any coding knowledge is needed. The older version did at times require codes, but trial and error were often a sure teacher.

So I can't really help you. Antshuldigs.

But thank you for saying the style and the theme are wunderlek.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Mar Gavriel said...

I take that as a compliment. Thank you.

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