Tuesday, May 17, 2011


One of the striking things about the IMF rape case is the difference in perception between Europe and America.

Over here in the United States, while we maintain the presumption of innocence till proven guilty, we are willing to let the facts speak for themselves, and we accept that there is a reasonable likelihood that Dominique Strauss-Kahn indeed did that of which he is accused.
A trial will determine the facts.

In Europe, many people are convinced that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is the victim of some dastardly anti-European plot by the Americans, that it is a set-up by Sarkozy and the French secret service, that the Bilderburgers are going to shank him in prison, that a Wall-Street banker-clique did this to take revenge, that the American justice system cannot possibly give him a fair trial, that Americans are brutal and corrupt as well as mean and stupid, and that the woman was paid to make the claim and will become rich by sucking every last cent from the poor victimized honourable European.
It is a travesty and a rank injustice that he should be detained.

In short: 'He's innocent, she's a greedy slut, and the Yanks are evil.'

As an American, I am willing to let the facts speak for themselves and I accept that there is a reasonable likelihood that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is indeed a filthy pig.

If he is found guilty, I rather hope that he does get shanked in prison.
Or abused repeatedly with a bar of soap.


Remember the famous French film director Roman Polanski?
When Polanski was finally apprehended after being shielded by the Europeans for two decades, the foreign ministers of France and Poland angrily insisted that he be released, and the European press went apeshit in his defense.

Why, the nerve of those Yanquis! The gall! Quelle effronterie!

Among other things it was averred that the thirteen year old girl he drugged and raped deserved it because she was an American, and in any case, a famous and accomplished European like Polanski - a sad and brilliant artist, nota bene - naturally needed a bit of fun.
Even if it meant abusing a juvenile.
A non-European juvenile.
One of those people.
It's not depravity if we do it.
Verrily, it was an HONOUR that so talented a man should sexually brutalize a mere Californian teenager!

Hmmph, stupid Americans!

The French minister of culture at the time was livid that 'les Americains' should dare to pursue such an utter genius. Many famous French intellectuals and artists enthusiastically joined him in his angry histrionics and foot-stamping.

"Roman Polanski est un citoyen Français, un artiste de renommée internationale, désormais menacé d'être extradé. Cette extradition, si elle intervenait, serait lourde de conséquences et priverait le cinéaste de sa liberté"

Nous exigeons la remise en liberté immédiate de Roman Polanski!!!"

First Polanski, now Strauss-Kahn.
Is there no limit to Yankee meddlesomeness?
American women were meant to be the sexual prey of Europeans - didn't you know that?

Friendly note to the Europeans: you lot are, on the whole, a rather disgusting bunch of pissants.

After perusing a number of European journals these past few days, and noting the reactions by the readers of same, I am convinced that many Europeans are sexual predators and brutes who should not be allowed near females of any age, or even young boys.
Especially not if they're outside of Europe.

Of course I was already convinced of that anyway.


Roman Polanski was released in July of 2010 instead of being extradited.
Both he and the Europeans remain unrepentant.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Conservative apikoris said...

"we accept that there is a reasonable likelihood that Dominique Strauss-Kahn indeed did that of which he is accused.
A trial will determine the facts."

Well, I am going to reserve judgement until after the trial, but I have had experience as a juror, and just because a DA thinks he or she has enough evidence to try the case doesn't mean that the defendant is guilty. In the case I had the misfortune to try, the damn DA had a crap case indeed, the main prosecution witness told a great sob story that was totally absent from the investigating detective's notes, the alleged perp had a pretty decent alibi (I mean, it was a redneck drywall installer testifying on behalf of a totally ghetto black guy), and even the image on the store security cam didn't look at all like the perp. But we had a hell of a time with a few of the jurors, they felt sorry for the victim (who identified the alleged perp out a police lineup, one of the more useless criminal investigation techniques developed by humanity.) Finally, however, my superior powers of persuasion resulted in a unanimous not guilty verdict.

As for this guy, he claims he has an alibi, we'll have to see what evidence he presents in court. I would reserve judgement. And I'm not ready to go all conspiracy theory, either, but the timing of this is pretty damn convenient for the French Right (and I don't mean Sarkozy, I mean Le Pen, wouldn't that be a hoot if a minority of Frenchie xenophobes manage to elect a certified xenophobe wingnut As President of France?)

Anyway, you've got to lighten up about the Euros, they're not as bad as you say. And they certainly have better attitudes about sex and work than Americans. In fact, the only people who are even more self-righteous puritanical workaholics than the Americans are the Israelis.

The back of the hill said...

" Anyway, you've got to lighten up about the Euros, they're not as bad as you say. And they certainly have better attitudes about sex and work than Americans. In fact, the only people who are even more self-righteous puritanical workaholics than the Americans are the Israelis."

I disagree.

Based on everything I know, and my years of living there, I have to say that at the very least they are dysfunctional, and in many cases depraved.
The French, certainly, qualify in the main as sexist pigs. The Germans tend towards strange and disturbing fetishism. And the Dutch have a misogynist streak a mile wide, which probably helps explain why so many third-world women are trafficked to the whore houses in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and why the Dutch authorities do not see that as a problem.
As for the Italians and Spanish, the less said of their messed-up attitudes the better, the Scandinavians have neither manners nor morals, and the English need to get drunk to have sex - except when they're visiting the third world to violate minors (much like the Germans and the French, btw).
The Greeks, Serbs, and Eastern Europeans have overmuch scope for personal improvement.

And, of course, the entire lot of them are lazy, inefficient, and largely unemployable.

I do not have enough distance to take a more broad-minded view of them - precisely like you and your distaste for Americans and Israelis.
When it's that close, it grates.

I consider it a profound miracle that in the last generation they finally figured out how to use soap over there.

Conservative apikoris said...

"The French, certainly, qualify in the main as sexist pigs."

Why is that? Because the French tolerate adultery?

"The Germans tend towards strange and disturbing fetishism."

One person's fetish is another person's erotica. Let's not be so judgmental here. Just because someone is turned on by something that doesn't turn you on doesn't make them evil perverts.

"And the Dutch have a misogynist streak a mile wide, which probably helps explain why so many third-world women are trafficked to the whore houses in Amsterdam and Rotterdam,"

Oh, so if they only trafficked in Dutch women they wouldn't be misogynist? And since when is tolerance for commercial sex work an indicator of misogynsim anyway?

"I do not have enough distance to take a more broad-minded view of them - precisely like you and your distaste for Americans and Israelis."

Actually, I should clarify my position. It's only some Americans and Israelis who disgust me. Unfortunately, those are the ones who seem to be controlling the discourse in both the US and in the Jewish world. Most Americans and Israelis are perfectly fine people. After all, I am an American Jew myself.

Conservative apikoris said...

"And, of course, the entire lot of them are lazy, inefficient, and largely unemployable."

And that's why the EU has a larger economy than the United States. :)

The back of the hill said...

French: Skirt chasing male chauvenists.
Germans: incest, whips, and cannibalism.
Dutch: much more than just sex-trafficking. Try gang-rape, use of date-rape drugs, bestiality, and child molestation. Among many other things.

EU economy: 60% more people, hardly any expenditure on defense.

conservative apikoris said...

"French: Skirt chasing male chauvenists."

You're just jealous that they can get away with it and we can't. :)

"Germans: incest, whips, and cannibalism."

I presume this refers to fantasies about such acts, not the commission of said acts. I think we'd have heard of a high incidence of cannibalism among the population of one of our major allies. And, as I've said before, as long as it's consensual, nobody has any right to criticize anther's sexual fetishes.

"Dutch: much more than just sex-trafficking. Try gang-rape, use of date-rape drugs, bestiality, and child molestation. Among many other things."

What? are gang rapes, use of GHB/GBL, bestiality, and child rape legal in the Netherlands? Anyway, all of the activities you mentioned are found in the US, too. In fact, up until 2005, there was an animal brothel in Washington State. (Read the wikipedia article on zoophilia.)

"EU economy: 60% more people, hardly any expenditure on defense."

Given that Britain and France have the world's third and fourth highest of spending on the military, I wouldn't say "hardly" any military spending. Besides, military spending is part of the GDP. Which means that the productive part of the US economy, the part that's not being frittered away in pointless wars, is even less than the GDP figures indicate.

FreedomRider77 said...

I hope the accuser gets an equal 25 years in prison if it turns out to be a false accusation and another 25 for possibly giving hims AIDS

The back of the hill said...

” I hope the accuser gets an equal 25 years in prison if it turns out to be a false accusation and another 25 for possibly giving hims AIDS”

If a condom had been used, transmission of HIV would not be likely.
Not using a condom suggests a somewhat greater possibility of the disgusting old French git trying to exact droit du seigneur.
Using the term ‘accuser’ suggests that you side with the degenerate European.
A measure of sympathy for the VICTIM would not be misplaced – although, if you are a redneck or Eurotrash that is probably entirely beyond you.
I suspect you are one of those typically European types who joyfully rapes trafficked third-worlders every weekend in the local bordello, and gives savage vent to your beastly tendencies whenever you are on vacation. South-East Asians justifiably hate you.

The back of the hill said...

And you probably side with Joran van der Sloot as well as Roman Polanski.

The back of the hill said...

You've probably visited Thailand, haven't you?
Probably many times.

Please feel free to answer in German, French, or Dutch.
Even Danish.

Male Human said...

A measure of sympathy for the VICTIM would not be misplaced

That's assuming the accuser is a victim. The whole scenario smells. Why would a guy who can afford hookers (and who has been known to patronize them) rape a hotel maid? Maybe he did, but let's wait and see what evidence is presented at the trial before going off on a binge of puritanical self-righteousness.

And on the other hand, false accusations of rape are more common than false accusations of other crimes. For christ's sake, you're a man, why are you falling for the feminist claptrap that assumes that when accused of rape, all men are guilty, even if proven innocent?

Male Human said...

And Roman Polanski is irrelevant in any case. And I don't blame him for fleeing the country, because it looked like the judge was going to weasel away the plea bargain. And after all these years, even the underage woman he had sex with thinks the whole thing was overblown. Of course and adult having sex with a teenager is wrong and improper, but it's not the kind of perverted crime against nature that you're making it out to be.

Oh, and by the way, patronizing low-cost commercial sex workers from third-world nations is no worse than buying inexpensive manufactured goods from third world nations. In both cases, there's a good chance that the workers are being mistreated. So therefore, I can assume that every manufactured item in your possession was made in the US, Canada, Japan, or Europe by unionized labor.

Yeah, right.

The back of the hill said...

Why would a guy who can afford hookers (and who has been known to patronize them) rape a hotel maid?
Sick power trip.

The back of the hill said...

Oh, and by the way, patronizing low-cost commercial sex workers from third-world nations is no worse than buying inexpensive manufactured goods from third world nations. In both cases, there's a good chance that the workers are being mistreated.

You can't see the difference? Then you are clearly a moral cripple..
I'll assume that you're European.

The back of the hill said...

Roman Polanski is a despicable excuse for a human. Truly garbage from the lowest level. And, obviously, very European.

The back of the hill said...

And Roman Polanski is irrelevant in any case. And I don't blame him for fleeing the country, because it looked like the judge was going to weasel away the plea bargain. And after all these years, even the underage woman he had sex with thinks the whole thing was overblown. Of course and adult having sex with a teenager is wrong and improper, but it's not the kind of perverted crime against nature that you're making it out to be

Not irrelevant at all, as how Polanski was coddled by the Euries illustrates perfectly the European attitudes towards rape, towards women, and towards their own inflated sense of collective self-worth.
Europeans often regard rape as a normative sexual experience - in many European subcultures it indeed is 'normal'. That probably explains why you cannot see how the power trip paradigm operated in this instance. Polanski is depraved and entirely lacks any sense of right and wrong - that the Europeans protected him for twenty years says more about their diseased societies than you can possibly imagine.

But given that the Europeans also protected many of their WWII criminals, it was entirely predictable that they should shield a child-molester and rapist.

Male Human said...

You can't see the difference? Then you are clearly a moral cripple..
I'll assume that you're European.

Well, you are totally clueless if you think that patronizing commercial sex workers is the same as rape. And you're equally clueless if you think that patronizing low cost third world commercial sex workers is any worse than buying low cost products made with exploited third-world factory workers. And if you're going to insult with the "moral cripple" dreck, try to back up your declarations.

And as for my nationality, you're wrong, as usual. I'm as American as you are. And don't be so quick to bash the Euros, considering that you live in a city well known for it's commercial sex trade, most of whose patrons are Americans. Not to mention every border town in Mexico which has a legal red-light district where most of the patrons are Americans.

Human male said...

"But given that the Europeans also protected many of their WWII criminals, it was entirely predictable that they should shield a child-molester and rapist.

Ever heard of Operation Paperclip? It involved the US Government shielding Nazi WW2 criminals bringing them to the USA, and making them respectable citizens.


If you fly at all, you can thank the work of Hubertus Strughold, "the father of Space Medicine." Alas, the data that allowed us to develop the technology to fly comfortably at high altitudes was obtained from Nazi medical experiments at Dachau.


But that didn't stop the US from recruiting the good doctor and bringing him to the States.

And the Germans have convicted more former Nazis than the Americans ever have.

Human male said...

Europeans often regard rape as a normative sexual experience - in many European subcultures it indeed is 'normal'.

What kind of jackass generalization is that? What's your evidence? Look, I know you had a bad experience living in some hick town in Holland as a kid, but grow up, get real. Such sweeping statements are like saying that Every white American sees lynching blacks a a normative experience. What idiocy.

The back of the hill said...

Well, you are totally clueless if you think that patronizing commercial sex workers is the same as rape. And you're equally clueless if you think that patronizing low cost third world commercial sex workers...

Given that the vast majority are not there willingly, many of them trafficked and scared, it is the same as rape. Even in America many women in the "commercial sex" industry are not doing what they do willingly.

The back of the hill said...

And as for my nationality, you're wrong, as usual. I'm as American as you are.

And clearly you've bought into the Euro superiority bushwah.

And don't be so quick to bash the Euros, considering that you live in a city well known for it's commercial sex trade, most of whose patrons are Americans. Not to mention every border town in Mexico which has a legal red-light district where most of the patrons are Americans.

And precisely HOW is that supposed to incline me favourably toward the sex trade?

In case you hadn't noticed, the blogpost is a Euro-bashing blog post. Hence the focus on the Europeans. There's plenty of Yankee-bashing on this blog, as well as everybody else bashing. But this post is about the Europeans.

The back of the hill said...

I know you had a bad experience living in some hick town in Holland as a kid,

As well as most major cities of western Europe (we did travel all over, you must realize), as well as on a regular basis ever since when dealing with Europeans. Had far too much exposure to the Europeans - they're not uncommon here in San Francisco......

Such sweeping statements are like saying that Every white American sees lynching blacks a a normative experience.

And a remarkably large number of Europeans think precisely that about Americans. As well as assuming that somehow we all had a hand in the slave trade, the Vietnam war, and the numerical diminishing of the native Americans.

Oh, and we're all responsible for both the nuking of Japan and the election victories of Nixon, Reagan, and Bush.

The back of the hill said...

And the Germans have convicted more former Nazis than the Americans ever have.

Well of course! They had so many more of those people!

What about the other Europeans who still pretend that it was all the Germans, and only the Germans?

How many Frenchmen, Belgians, Dutch, Scandinavians, and others joined up and fought on the Eastern Front? Hmmm?

The back of the hill said...

And if you're going to insult with the "moral cripple" dreck ....

Oh please! Haven't you figured out that this post is primarily to insult the Euries and talk smack about them and their friends?

Fifty one years of dealing with those folks have made me rather sour about the lot of them.

Feel free to read the rest of the blog - nearly the entire world gets slagged at some point. But the Europeans do get a bit more bile...... the arrogant self-perception of privilege has its price.

Male Human said...

"How many Frenchmen, Belgians, Dutch, Scandinavians, and others joined up and fought on the Eastern Front? Hmmm?"

Oh, come on, The Danes rescued all their Jews, the Norwegians (Mr. Quisling Excepted) certainly kept up a decent resistance organization, the Finns, despite being allies of Germany didn't hand over any of their Jews, the Swedes might have been playing both sides, but when Jews escaped there, they didn't send them back to the Nazis. I don't know about the Belgians, at least some Dutch protected their Jewish neighbors (see "Anne Frank"), but I'm sure in the hick town where you lived and had such an unpleasant time, there were lots of people who might have rooted for the Nazis, but that's true in hick town America, too. As for the Frenchies, come on, it's totally complicated. They rolled over in 1940 because the right wingers thought maybe Hitler wasn't so bad, and the left wingers were in thrall to Stalin, who, at the time, was an ally of the Nazis. Once Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, things cleared up a good bit, and most Frenchies did their bit on the Western Front. And despite the evil shit that Vichy and the antisemitic Paris police department pulled, 75% of French Jews survived. France was no Poland, not by a long shot.

And by suggesting that all these Euros should have fought on the eastern front, presumably to save Stalin's ass, what are you, some kind of commie? True red-blooded Americans rejoice that the Russkis shed all the blood over there, it made beating Hitler all that much easier, and it weakened the commies enough so that they were never able to really keep up with us during the cold war. And some people think it was Reagan who won the cold war, they're nuts. Nobody "won" the cold war, the commies lost it.

Male human said...

"Given that the vast majority are not there willingly, many of them trafficked and scared, it is the same as rape. Even in America many women in the "commercial sex" industry are not doing what they do willingly."

What makes you such an expert on this subject? How do you know that? Or are you just repeating the feminist propaganda on the subject? You are aware that the feminists want to make it so that the only way you can get laid is to have a "committed relationship," and thereby be under the thumb of your girlfriend? You're pussy-whipped, my friend. And given your life story, (which you post here, so it's fair game) your long-time partner ditches you, and not only do you let her continue to live in your house, you let her bring her new boyfriend in!! Come on, grow a pair, be a man! If she doesn't want you any more, then she can find her own place to live. At the very least, if she insists on humiliating you by finding a new boyfriend so quickly, she could at least have the decency to spend her time at his place.

My ex-wife tried a similar trick when she told me she wanted to leave me -- she wanted me to leave the house (that we both owned.) No way, I told her, until we got a separation agreement. I wasn't going to leave and then have her accuse me of abandonment. She didn't like it, but we negotiated, and after we agreed on everything, I left very nicely on perfectly cordial terms. You need to stand up for yourself, or they won't respect you and they'll treat you like dreck.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, you can take "committed relationships" and stuff them. I deal with my sexual needs with commercial sex workers (whom I treat fairly and pay well) and whacking off to (pretty plain vanilla) porn. At least that way, I deal with my physical needs, and don't have to play head games.

The back of the hill said...

And by suggesting that all these Euros should have fought on the eastern front, presumably to save Stalin's ass, what are you, some kind of commie?

Errmm, you DO know that reference to the eastern front means the German eastern front, don't you?

Over fifty thousand Flemings joined Hitler's SS and fought FOR the Nazis AGAINST Stalin.

So did hundred's of thousands of other Europeans.

Today's Flemish Nationalists want those Nazi collaborators given a state pension, and idolize them.

Rebel Jewboy said...

"nearly the entire world gets slagged at some point."

You ever slag the Israelis?

God, I'm a Jewboy, and ever since I was a wee little kid in Hebrew School, all they did was shove "Israel, Israel, Israel" in our faces. I mean it was worse then my parents who were always bugging me about why I wasn't a straight A student like my older brother. (For the record, my grade point average was 3.6.) Then I wend a spent a year in Israel, and sure, some of it was cool, and lots of great Israelis, but the jackasses who are running the place now seem to want to turn it into something worse than my Hebrew School (if one could imagine such a thing.)

Anyway, there's lots to slag about Israel and Israelis, but I don't see you doing it.

The back of the hill said...

You might also want to look at how a number of collaborators were protected by Dutch, French, and Belgian officials after the war.
Even after it was revealed that they had killed their own people, committed atrocities, and helped organize slaughter.
Let's just say that protecting those people after the war was as profitable as assisting them during the war had been.

The back of the hill said...

You're pussy-whipped, my friend. And given your life story, (which you post here, so it's fair game) your long-time partner ditches you, and not only do you let her continue to live in your house, you let her bring her new boyfriend in!! Come on, grow a pair, be a man! If she doesn't want you any more, then she can find her own place to live. At the very least, if she insists on humiliating you by finding a new boyfriend so quickly, she could at least have the decency to spend her time at his place.

Interesting comment, as it shows that you are not a careful reader.
Her boyfriend has never been in the apartment. Can't walk. Can't roll his damn chair uphill.

And by the way - she pays half the rent, and neither of us want to deal with roommates whom we don't know.

The back of the hill said...

What makes you such an expert on this subject? How do you know that?

You know, you can find all the sources on people-trafficking on the internet. As well as more than enough authoritative articles showing that, as an example, a very large percentage of the prostitutes in the Netherlands have been trafficked.

Please do your own reading.

The back of the hill said...

I left very nicely on perfectly cordial terms. You need to stand up for yourself, or they won't respect you and they'll treat you like dreck.

Cuts both ways.
Can I assume that next you will be haranguing me about abused husbands?

The back of the hill said...

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, you can take "committed relationships" and stuff them. I deal with my sexual needs with commercial sex workers (whom I treat fairly and pay well) and whacking off to (pretty plain vanilla) porn. At least that way, I deal with my physical needs, and don't have to play head games.

Please do NOT share! I really have very little need to read about other people's sex lives.

The back of the hill said...

Anyway, there's lots to slag about Israel and Israelis, but I don't see you doing it.

I am flattered that you have read everything I have written.

Somewhat disturbed, however, that that is the only comment - was there truly nothing here that excited your interest other than the perceived lack of Israel-specific slag?

Male Human said...

"Today's Flemish Nationalists want those Nazi collaborators given a state pension, and idolize them."

You mean a jackass fringe party of them who got less than 8% of the vote in the last election.

And what percentage of Republicans think that President Obama was born in Kenya?

What percentage of Israelis would like to expel all the Arabs from Eretz Israel? (There are quite a few, you know, but even a Bibi-despiser like me acknowledges taht, at least not yet, the Likud doesn't advocate shit like that.)

Rebel Jewboy said...

Somewhat disturbed, however, that that is the only comment - was there truly nothing here that excited your interest other than the perceived lack of Israel-specific slag?

Well, you claim to slag everybody, but I don't see you slagging the Israelis, or at least the right-wing Israelis. In fact, you slag perfectly reasonable people because **they** slag Israelis!

The back of the hill said...

You mean a jackass fringe party of them who got less than 8% of the vote in the last election.

Good description.

What percentage of Israelis would like to expel all the Arabs from Eretz Israel? (There are quite a few, you know, but even a Bibi-despiser like me acknowledges taht, at least not yet, the Likud doesn't advocate shit like that.)

Far too many - but evenso, the Kahanist squawking makes them seem more important than really they are. Between the Kahanists in both Israel and the US, and the rabid crusader wannabees over here it's getting mighty hard to notice that there still are rational people.

And yes, I'm getting real tired of the racist nut-fringe trying to convince me that all Arabs are evil monsters, all Muslims are potential terrorists who want to kill me, Obama is a socialist outerspace alien from Kenya who went to a Muslim terrorist training centre as a child, and that global warming is a communist plot to sap us of our juices.

male human said...

"You might also want to look at how a number of collaborators were protected by Dutch, French, and Belgian officials after the war.
Even after it was revealed that they had killed their own people, committed atrocities, and helped organize slaughter.
Let's just say that protecting those people after the war was as profitable as assisting them during the war had been."

Sounds like today's Flemish complain that there as a great purge of Flemish collaborators after the war, while the Waloon collaborators got off scot-free.



After the war, these Flemish nationalists were punished severely. Some 240 collaborators were executed, and 58,000 others were arrested and stripped of their property and legal rights.

Besides all of this happened 70 years ago. Most of the perpetrators are dead. Leave it to God to deal with them.

The back of the hill said...

Well, you claim to slag everybody, but I don't see you slagging the Israelis, or at least the right-wing Israelis. In fact, you slag perfectly reasonable people because **they** slag Israelis!

I suspect that your definition of 'perfectly reasonable people' does not even resemble mine.
And I would rather not know many of those alleged 'perfectly reasonable people' personally - I've been called names and threatened by them at demonstrations too many times to trust some of them further than I can spit. Their version of 'rational discourse', too often, includes insanity.

The back of the hill said...

By the way, gentlemen, I need to break for dinner and a cocktail or two.

That means that any comments you leave between now and, let's say, ten o'clock, won't get approved till then.

Male Human said...

"Please do NOT share! I really have very little need to read about other people's sex lives."

Oh come on, I'm sure your readers would be interested in my experiences in Tijuana's Zona Norte.:) (And, the women who work there are not trafficked, by the way, at least not in the places I frequent. I know, because I asked them about it.) Sure, it's not their first choice of jobs, but, hey, I don't like my job either, but I need to put food on the table. And it sure beats working in a factory for $30/month.



Male Human said...

"By the way, gentlemen, I need to break for dinner and a cocktail or two"

Being on the east coast, I've done that already. Besides, I think we've beaten this horse to death.

Getting back to the subject of your original post, I think that the Frenchie charged with rape is going to claim that this was a dispute over a consensual commercial sex transaction that went awry. I guess we'll have to wait until trial to see what the evidence shows. Unless the prosecuation has some damn good evidence, in which case, we might see a plea-bargain. In the meantime, it might be a good idea to not make global generalization about Frenchies or even males of the human species.

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