Monday, May 17, 2010


Many of my friends are pot-smokers. I am not. I do not hold by drugs, and lead a clean, abstemious, and very protestant life – caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and highly refined sugar only. No chemicals, no dime-baggies. Spartan, in fact.

This did not help me last night. I should've subtitled this post: “Gout, sex, and rock’n roll”.

Woke up several times drenched in sweat. The most vivid dream was one in which I chased violent war-protestors around the periphery of the company where I work, which, in that dream, was somehow involved in the arms industry. Much of the confrontational aspect of the dream was because I was angry that a printing press (a 'Heidelberger Degel Automat') was put on my desk due to space limitations, blocking my phone and my computer.
Which I did not discover till lunch time.
When the dream turned bad, the violent war protestors were chasing me back into the building, intent on slaughter in the interests of peace. As I ran past the CEO, fleeing a mob with spiked two-by-fours and large hammers, he happily remarked “mmmm, comedy”. I woke up as I was being brutally beaten senseless.

I do not know why the war protestors had grease paint and were dressed as clowns.

I am still resentful, very bitterly resentful, that the CEO was too dense to appreciate the violent nature of war protestors. What is wrong with that man?

“Mmmm, comedy!”

What also irks me is that I deliberately tried to steer the dream toward sex. Given a choice between violence and sex in my dreams, I prefer sex.

On a scale of one (1) to ten (10), sex (9) is much more fun than bloodshed (5).
I cannot understand people who are not of the same mind. Smooth skin, warm round parts…… delightful!
Why am I bleeding (4), and why does my head hurt (3)?
Sex (9), darnitall, sex (9). Why can’t I dream about sex (9)?!? For what reason do I dream of being killed (0)?
Sex (9) is even better than clowns (6), so why are there these evil clowns (6) in this dream?
And above all, why is the CEO (2) at the door to the conference room, holding a bowl of oatmeal (1)?
I hate oatmeal (1)!!!

It wasn’t drugs. Nor coffee, whiskey, tobacco, or candy (all a solid 8).
And no, it wasn’t an unresolved issue with the CEO (2), even though that may have been a theme operating within the context of the violent sweaty nightmare.

I’m blaming the down comforter.

It was too warm for full coverage last night.
Should have poked my rump out, in addition to my feet.

I am disturbed that the CEO (2) showed up in a dream that should’ve been filled with cake, peaches and cream, fruit cobbler, and other “sensual” symbols (9, 9, 9, and 9), holding a bowl of oatmeal (1).
My dream, dammit!
I get to pick the plot!

Gluey muck, that.

For some reason, I haven’t seen the CEO (2) all day today.
I think he’s avoiding me (7).


Spiros said...

In my experience, there is no way to control the content of one's dreams, unless you happen to be one of those "lucid dreaming" obsessives, and that seems like way too muc effort. I just go with the flow, and try to ignore anything my subconscious dredged up.
You could punch the CEO in the schnozz, and tell him you can't abide oatmeal.

Kylopod said...

Contrary to Freud's theory about dreams, which is pervasive in popular culture, dreams are not wish fulfillment. That's why you don't necessarily dream what you want to dream. What really drives dreams is expectations. If you're dreaming about a particular experience, some part of you expects it to happen. (That's why nightmares have that sense of inevitability to them.) "Lucid" dreaming doesn't change the equation, because what lucid dreamers do is try to control the content of their dreams by controlling their expectations. And you don't even need to become "lucid" to reach that goal. You can also direct the content of your dreams by concentrating on what content you want them to have the night before. If you concentrate hard enough on expecting a particular dream, you can cause yourself to have that dream.

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