Thursday, May 13, 2010


The following is taken from Arutz Sheva, a somewhat strident and rightwing pro-settler and pro-religious Jewish news source in Israel.
Evenso, this data NEED NOT be taken with a grain of salt.
They are reporting, not ‘judging’.

"The actual phrase I heard from one important player in Jewish Democratic circles was, "Sociopath is too nice a word to describe Obama." That was a Kiddush [festive synagogue event] conversation, so no names, of course. The difference is the magnitude and depth of the deception. In July 2008, the press was full of reports of Obama's anti-Israel connections, including the fact that his foreign policy advisor in his Senate office was the odious Samantha Power – who proposed international military intervention to end the 'Israeli occupation' – as well as Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was an official campaign spokesman, along with many others.

Obama gave assurances to the Jewish community which were so persuasive that Martin Peretz announced in his 'Spine' blog that Obama could be trusted. Brzezinski and Power were shown the door (Power after she made inappropriate remarks about Hillary Clinton) and the Jewish community was satisfied that Obama was as reliable as, say, Bill Clinton.

Obama has extraordinary gifts of persuasion, and has been profligate about employing them. He persuaded some very wealthy and sophisticated people that he was on their side, and then turned on them.


"The fact that Democratic fundraising among Jews will be a tough sell contributes to the problem, but is not a decisive factor; there are enough other reasons for the Democrats to lose, starting with high unemployment and the fact that Obama has failed to create any middle ground with the Republicans and is perceived as too far too the left to suit the national mood. Obama almost certainly has resigned himself to a bad interim election; his best play is to spend the next two years running against a 'do-nothing' Republican Congress in the hope of winning a second term in 2012."


Speaking as a life-long Democrat, and despite my utter loathing for almost everything for which the Republican party now stands, I am no longer vested in the 44th presidency.

Barack Obama’s bumbling attempts to strong-arm Israel, combined with his almost obsequious pandering to the Arabs - who are not known for favouring America’s interests, NOR for any Democratic and liberal-humanist attitudes – have considerably lessened my support.
That his healthcare program was hauled back from the brink by Nancy Pelosi, after he spent months kneecapping himself, does not speak of either an able politician, or of any great strategic vision.
Bending over backwards for the banking industry – the folks that unabashedly brought us to the brink – has been a further dis-enamoring course of action; as political theatre it is the equivalent of ecdysiasm and pole-dancing.

Frankly, if he becomes a one-term lame-duck within the next year, that would suit me just fine.
I enjoy his gilded tongue; he has made glibness into an art form. Kudos, mr. President, kudos.
But I am less than impressed by any of his other qualities.
A bright smile and eloquent quacking can only go so far.


e-kvetcher said...

My first grader reported to me yesterday that his friend David told him "Obama wants to kill all Jews"...

The back of the hill said...

I am not surprised. But I think that's indicative of both the out-of-touch aspect of Obama and Jewish-America, as well as the fevered rhetoric now common.
And it really doesn't help that the paranoid crowd has grabbed the microphone.

Obama doesn't want to kill all the Jews. Or even any of them. All Obama wants is what every American politician wants: re-election, positive cash-flow in the war chest, and a quiescent public that thinks he's god.

The problem is that his domestic policies are fizzling, and the international community ain't exactly co-operating either.

If only those pesky Israelis would learn to switch on the Byzantine charm and bulls8*t, it would not be so glaringly obvious that he isn't achieving anything in the Levant.

The back of the hill said...

And I would seriously question your first grader's association with a kid whose environment is that overheated that he can and does say something more appropriate to the pages of a Chaim Potok novel.

But then, you probably already think the same thing.

I hope that the kid is Jewish, expressing worry, instead of some Southerner or muzhik expectantly gloating.

e-kvetcher said...

>And I would seriously question your first grader's association with a kid whose environment is that overheated

Recess. Kid parroting his folks...

>I hope that the kid is Jewish,

Orthodox Day School.

e-kvetcher said...

My opinion on Obama is:

Came in like a bull in a china shop trying to change everything at once thinking he had a "mandate from the masses". Immediately got shut down on all fronts by political establishment which is focused only on self preservation.

The back of the hill said...

That's a pretty accurate assessment.

I would combine that with the idea that this administration either has a chip on its shoulders, OR feels a need to prove itself, and show that it's bigger and better than anyone else on the block.

e-kvetcher said...

Well, to be fair to them, they inherited a world wide economic meltdown and 2 wars.

Anonymous said...

For many , many American Jews that have NEVER pulled that other lever,that are still sort of voting for FDR,and that can't even say the word Republican", may just have all that changed by Obama.


Tzipporah said...

"is perceived as too far too the left to suit the national mood"

I would LOL if it weren't such a pervasive idiocy.

Obama is, at best, a moderate Conservative. Those of us who were hoping for actual change are pretty f-ing pissed right now.

We GAVE him a mandate and he squandered it by trying to pander to Repubs who were uninterested in finding common ground, and only wanted to lead him on. He is far too charitable toward his colleagues on the other side of the aisle, and they are going to laugh all the way to a failed economy and debt-crushing wars.

Spiros said...

Nice summation by Tzipporah.

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry but I have to politely disagree. As a card carrying democrat from The SF area and second generation liberal I have to say that I got just about what I expected out of Obama. Nothing. His legislation is a sham and his domestic and foreign policy only serves raise my blood pressure.

But what choice did I have? None.

So I voted for that smooth talking carpet bagger and thought to myself, well at least we have a person of color in office. I have mixed race children (Jewish & African American) and I took solace in the fact that at least I could point out our President to my children as an example of what is possible for all people.

Is that a good reason for voting
for somebody? No!

But what choice did I have? McCain? Pleeease!

Finally please forgive me for being an idiot but Nancy Pelosi is much better at it than I. I tip my hat to the bigger idiot, and possibly none bigger in politics.


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