Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The world is remarkably silent when Muslims exterminate Christians. Perhaps nowhere more so than in the case of Egypt - long a "friend" of the Western World and handsomely recompensed for that service - where without United States aid and assistance, plus the money from pandering to European tourists, there would be massive food-shortages and societal collapse due to official corruption, overpopulation, misguided policies, and general neglect of both development and infrastructural upkeep.

Without the West, Egypt would be a failed state falling into chaos, instead of just a corrupt dictatorship ruled by a clique that cares but for cash.

Read more here:

Article in the Wall Street Journal:

"Hundreds of thousands of Azhar schools, which are monitored by the state, indoctrinate and then discharge annually into Egyptian society hundreds of thousands of young Muslims with an ideology of intolerance, contempt and hatred toward Copts... "
[End quote]

For reference purposes, here is the contact information for the nearest Egyptian diplomatic office:

The Egyptian Consulate General in San Francisco
القنصلية العامة لجمهورية مصر العربية
في مدينة سان فرانسيسكو

276 Mallorca Way, San Francisco, CA 94123-1515
Tel. (415) 346-9700 / 346-9702 / 346-7352
Fax (415) 346-9480
Web: http://egy2000.com/

Consul General of Egypt:
Mr. Hesham Elnakib, Ph.D.

The Consulate covers Arizona, Alaska, California, Idaho, Washington, Utah, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Hawaii and Wyoming.

Please remember that this is manifestly NOT an issue to the Egyptian Government (or to any Arab government); even in the modern age, Christians are merely a nuisance in the Islamic World - especially in those areas conquered by the Muslim armies that took over the Middle-East thirteen centuries ago.


Anonymous said...

I propose a two hunger hunger strike in front of the Eygptian consulate.

Toby Blome*
Code Pink

* Not actually written, supported or endorsed in anyway by Toby Blome of Code Pink. Yes. its a complete forgery. There. I've admitted it. I'll accept my punishment now.

Anonymous said...

Oops. That would be a two HOUR hunger strike. Must remember not to drink and post.

Toby Blome*
Code Pink

* Not actually written, supported or endorsed in anyway by Toby Blome of Code Pink. Yes. This is also a complete forgery.

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